APRIL 1928



Plays: Shinmon Tatsugorô  (新門辰五郎); Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらがな盛衰記); Suô Otoshi (素襖落);
Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕);  Hidari Kogatana (左小刀)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/01/28
Print Date: 04/1928?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Play: [William Tell] Viruherumu Teru (ヴィルヘルム・テル)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/26-29/28
Print Date: 04/1928?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? flyer art
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Performed by the Tsukiji Shôgekijô.