Onoe Matsusuke IV (尾上松助) as
Inga Monoshi Nozarashi Kohyôe
Play: Inga Monoshi (因果物師)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/01/21
Print Date: 1925
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Sôsaku Hanga: Shunsen Nigao-e Shû
(創作版画 春仙似顔集) (#5)
*Personal Collection
Plays: Kôyasan (高野山); Dokuro Mai (髑髏舞); Tsuri Onna (釣女); Inga
Monoshi (因果物師)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/01/21
Print Date: 08/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum