Nakamura Kichiemon I
(中村吉右衛門) as
Teraoka Heiemon (寺岡平右衛門)
Play: Kanadehon Chûshingura
(假名手本忠臣蔵; 仮名手本忠臣蔵)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/1926
Print Date: 1928?
Artist: Kamishita Chikamine (神下周峯)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Series: [Images of Famous Actors of
Today] Tôsei Meiyû Omokage Zôshi
(當世名優面影双紙) [#D]
Personal Collection
Note: The envelope for Set #D is shown
in the Chikamine entry for April 1926.
[Kabuki Manga]
Print Date: 1927
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed
Personal Collection
Note: It is unlcear if this
is from the same magazine as
Eiga Sutâ Sugao - Manga
Hogoita (1927) by Kitazawa
Rakuten shown elsewhere on
this site. The two pieces were
acquired from the same
dealer at the same time and are
ascribed the same date, but
appear to bear different artist
Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門) as
Motoemon (安達元右衛門)
Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/03/26
Publication Date: 1927
Artist: ?
Machine printed lithograph
Operas: Aida; Faust; Carmen; Boris Gudonov; Eugene Onegin; The
Tales of Hoffman; Rigoletto;
The Demon; The Queen of Spades
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/21-30/26
Print Date: 09/1926?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithographic printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Performed by the Russian Grand Opera. Although it is
not entirely clear, I believe the cover
depicts the interior of the Teikoku Gekijô.
Plays: Katteguchi (勝手口); Bô Shibari (棒しばり); Nagauta Hayashi
Kaidan Botan Dôrô (怪異談牡丹燈籠); Shichimai Tsuzuki Hana no Sugatae
(七枚続花の姿絵); Tachi Nusubito (太刀盗人); Onnagori Oshie no Mazebari
(御名残押絵交張); Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (義経千本桜)
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/03/26
Print Date: 09/1926?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover