
aka JOAK aka NHK RADIO 1


[Radio Sugoroku] Radjio Sugoroku (ラヂオ双六)

Date: 1926
Artist: Harada Mitsuo (原田三夫) and others
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sugoroku
Image courtesy of the Edo-Tokyo Museum
Note: This was an appendix to “Kodomo no Kagaku (子供の科学),” Volume 3, No. 1.

[Girls and the Radio Broadcast Sugoroku] Shôjo Radjio Hôsô Sugoroku (少女ラヂオ放送双六)

Date: 1926
Artist: Ishiguro Tsuyuo (石黒露雄); Sunagawa Seiji (砂川星路)
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sugoroku
Image courtesy of the Edo-Tokyo Museum
Note: This was an appendix to “Shojo Sekai,” Volume 21, No. 1.

MARCH 1929

[Atagoyama Radio Station] Atagoyama Musen-Kyoku (愛宕山無線局)

Print Date: 03/01/29 (ed. 50)
Artist: Fujimori Shizuo (藤森静雄)
Print Series: [One Hundred Views of New Tokyo]
Shin Tokyo Hyakkei (新東京百景) (#13)
Image courtesy of the Carnegie Museum of Art

Note: JOAK is the call sign for NHK Radio 1.  It started broadcasting on
March 22, 1925.




[JOAK Broadcasting Station at Atagoyama]
Atagoyama no JOAK (愛宕山のJOAK; あたごやまのJOAK)
Print Date: 08/1932
Artist: Koizumi Kishio (小泉発巳男)
Series: [One Hundred Pictures of Great Tokyo in the Showa Era]
Shôwa dai Tôkyô Hyakuzue (昭和大東京百図絵) (#31)
Image Courtesy of Scholten Japanese Art
Note: JOAK is the call sign for NHK Radio 1.  It started broadcasting on
March 22, 1925.



[JOAK Broadcasting Station at Atagoyama]
Atagoyama no JOAK (愛宕山のJOAK; あたごやまのJOAK)
Print Date: 08/1932
Artist: Koizumi Kishio (小泉発巳男)
Series: [One Hundred Pictures of Great Tokyo in the Showa Era]
Shôwa dai Tôkyô Hyakuzue (昭和大東京百図絵) (#31)
Personal Collection
Note: JOAK is the call sign for NHK Radio 1.  It started broadcasting on
March 22, 1925.



[Atagoyama, NHK Broadcasting Museum]
Atagoyama, NHK hôsô hakubutsukan (愛宕山, 放送博物館)
Date: 1955
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (石井柏亭)
Personal Collection