
aka BENTEN KOZÔ (弁天小僧)

Note: "Benten Musume "Meo No Shirani" is comprised of the "Hamamatsuya" and "Inasegawa Seizoroi" scenes of "Aota Zôshi Hana No Nishikie."

MAY 1902

Ichikawa Danjûrô IX
(市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Ichikawa Yaozô VII (市川八百蔵) as
Aoto Fujitsuna (青砥藤綱)

Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Ichikawa Sadanji I (市川左団次) as
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Ichikawa Gonjûrô
(市川権十郎; 市川權十郎) as
Tadanobu Rihei (忠信利平)

Nakamura Shikan V (中村芝翫) as
Akahoshi Jûzô (赤星十三)

? as Asaba Jûrô (浅羽十郎)

? as Torite Otoni (とりて音二)

? as Torite Morizô (とりて森蔵)

Play: Gokurakuji Sanmon (極楽寺山門),
Act V of Shiranami Gonin Otoko
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: 05/1902
Artist: Utagawa Kokunimasa (歌川小国政)
Image courtesy of the Ritsumeikan
ARC Collection

Note: I have not found a specific
performance that includes all of these
actors.  The on-line database entry
suggests that this is a mitate print.

Ichikawa Kodanji V (市川小団次) as
Ikago. Shichirô (五十子七郎)






Ichimura Kakitsu VI (市村家橘) as
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)

Ichikawa Yaozô VII (市川八百蔵) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Play: Enoshima Sodachi Neoi no Chigogiku
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/13/02
Print Date: 11/1902
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Image courtesy of the National Theatre of Japan

                    Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
                    Benten Kozô Kikunosuke
                    Play: Enoshiima Sodachi Neoi no
                    Chigogiku (江島育根生児菊)
                    Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
                    Performance Date: 11/13/1902
                    Print Date: 02/1903
                    Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
                    Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi
                    Memorial Theatre Museum
                    Note: While the print does not identify
                    the performance, the fact that
                    Kikugorô V performed this role shortly
                    before his death suggests that it is
                    the performance depicted.  His
                    most immediately prior performance
                    in Tokyo was in 1895.




Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô Kikunosuke       
Play: Enoshiima Sodachi Neoi no
Chigogiku (江島育根生児菊)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/13/1902
Print Date: 02/1903?  
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi
Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: While the print does not identify
the performance, the fact that
Kikugorô V performed this role shortly
before his death suggests that it is
the performance depicted.  His
most immediately prior performance
in Tokyo was in 1895.

                    Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
                    Benten Kozô Kikunosuke
                    Play: Enoshiima Sodachi Neoi no
                    Chigogiku (江島育根生児菊)
                    Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
                    Performance Date: 11/13/1902
                    Print Date: 02/1903?
                    Artist: ?  
                    Image courtesy of
                    Note: While the print does not identify
                    the performance, the fact that
                    Kikugorô V performed this role shortly
                    before his death suggests that it is
                    the performance depicted.  His
                    most immediately prior performance
                    in Tokyo was in 1895.


Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)
Plays: Satomi Hakkenden (里見八犬伝); Kanadehon Chûshingura (忠臣講釈); Takatoki (高時);
Enoshima Sodachi Neoi no Chigogiku  (江島育根生児菊); Setsugekka Mitsugumi no Sakazuki
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/13/02
Print Date: 11/14/02
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: The cover also features Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as Hôjô Takatoki (北條高時)
in Takatoki (高時).

MAY 1905

Plays: Horikawa Youchi (堀川夜討); Tsuchigumo (土蜘); Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata (近江源氏先陣館);
Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪); Sangen Nagaya (三軒長家)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/22/05
Print Date: 05/22/05
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

APRIL 1911

Plays: Yoshino Shûi (吉野拾遺); Kanjinchô (勧進帳); Igagoe Dôchû Sugoroku(伊賀越道中双六);
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/07/11
Print Date: 04/10/11
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Kitasaga Yami Idomu (北嵯峨闇挑); Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪);
Kokusen'ya Gojitsu Gassen (国性爺後日合戦); Tôyama Zakura Tenpô Nikki (遠山桜天保日記)

Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/21/11
Print Date: 11/21/1911
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

JUNE 1915

Kataoka Nizaemon XI (片岡仁左衛門) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)
Ichikawa Sumizo VI (市川寿美蔵; 市川壽美蔵) as
Tadanobu Rihei (忠信利平)
Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次;  市川左團次) as   
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Nakamura Matagorô I (中村又五郎;  中村叉五郎)
as Akaboshi Jûzaburô (赤星十三郎)

Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)
Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
(弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/05/15
Print Date: 07/01/15
Artist: Ishii Hakutei (石井柏亭)
Publication: Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao) 
(新似顔), Vol. 2
Personal Collection

                Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
                Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)

                Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
                Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
                Performance Date: 06//05/15
                Print Date: 07/01/15
                Artist: Matsuda Seifu (松田青風)
                Publication: Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao) 
                (新似顔), Vol. 2
                Personal Collection


Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/05/15
Print Date: 07/01/15
Artist: Matsuda Seifu (松田青風)
Publication: Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao)
(新似顔), Vol. 2
Personal Collection

Kataoka Nizaemon XI (片岡仁左衛門) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)
Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
(弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/05/15
Print Date: 06/1915?
Artist: Yoshida Eisho (吉田永昇)
Personal Collection

            Nakamura Matagorô (中村又五郎;  中村叉五郎)
            Akaboshi Jûzaburô (赤星十三郎)
            Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
            (弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
            Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
            Performance Date: 06/05/15
            Print Date: 06/1915?
            Artist: Yoshida Eisho (吉田永昇)
            Personal Collection

            Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次;  市川左團次) as    
            Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

            Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
            (弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
            Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
            Performance Date: 06/05/15
            Print Date: 06/1915?
            Artist: Yoshida Eisho (吉田永昇)
            Personal Collection


APRIL 1918

Ichikawa Sadanji II
(市川左団次;  市川左團次) as
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no
Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪;
Performance Place: Kabuki-za,
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: ?
Series: Kabuki Odori Sugata
Dainihen Series 2
(歌舞伎踊姿 第二編) #3

Personal Collection


Ichikawa Sadanji II
(市川左団次;  市川左團次) as 
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no
Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪;
Performance Place: Kabuki-za,
Performance Date: 04/01/18       
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo
(藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock printed
envelope [Fujisawa Pochibukuro
Set #2]
Personal Collection

                    Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次;  市川左團次) as  
                    Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

                    Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
                    (弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
                    Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
                    Performance Date: 04/01/18
                    Print Date: ?
                    Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo (藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
                    Medium: Woodblock print
                    [Fujisawa Accordion Album Set #2]
                    Personal Collection


Ichikawa Yaozô VII (市川八百蔵) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
(弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo
(藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock printed
envelope [Fujisawa Pochibukuro Set #3]
Personal Collection


Ichikawa Yaozô VII (市川八百蔵) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
(弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo (藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock print
[Fujisawa Accordion Album Set #2]
Personal Collection


        Ichikawa Yaoza VII (市川 八百蔵) as
        Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

        Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
        (弁天娘女男白浪; 辨天娘女男白浪)
        Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
        Performance Date: 04/01/18
        Print Date: ?
        Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo (藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
        Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
        Personal Collection


Ichikawa Yaozô VII (市川八百蔵) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no
Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪;
Performance Place: Kabuki-za,
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: ?
Series: Kabuki Odori Sugata
Dainihen Series 2
(歌舞伎踊姿 第二編) #4
Personal Collection


Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)
Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: 04/1918?
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)  #9
Image courtesy of

        Sawamura Sôjûrô VII
        (沢村宗十郎; 澤村宗十郎) as
        Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

        Play: Benten Musume Meo no
        Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪;
        Performance Place: Teikoku Geikijô,
        Performance Date: 04/01/18
        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kabuki Odori Sugata
        Dainihen Series 2
        (歌舞伎踊姿 第二編) #4
        Personal Collection

                Sawamura Sôjûrô VII (沢村宗十郎; 澤村宗十郎) as
                Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

                Play: Benten Musume Meo Shiranami (辨天娘女男白浪)
                Performance Place: Teikoku Geikijô, Tokyo
                Performance Date: 04/01/18
                Print Date: ?
                Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo (藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
                Medium: Woodblock print
                [Fujisawa Accordion Album Set #A]
                Personal Collection


Sawamura Sôjûrô VII
(沢村宗十郎; 澤村宗十郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no
Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪;
Performance Place: Teikoku Geikijô,
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo
(藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection


Published illustrated script for Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon cover
Personal Collection

Title Page
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed illustration
Personal Collection

Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed illustration
Personal Collection

Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed illustration
Personal Collection

Tadanobu Rihei (忠信利平)
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)
Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天小僧菊之助)
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)
Akaboshi Jûzaburô (赤星十三郎)
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed illustration
Personal Collection


Publication information
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed illustration
Personal Collection

Sample script page illustration
Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
Print Date: 04/09/18
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed?
Personal Collection

Plays: Miyajima no Danmari (宮島だんまり); Hikozaemon Musashi Abumi  (彦左衛門武蔵鐙);
Modoribashi (戻橋); Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami  (辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/18
Print Date: 04/1918?
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as 
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play:  Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/1925
Print Date:  10/1925?
Artist: Miyake Hanayama (三宅花山)
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: Uzaemon XV, Chûsha VII, and Sadanji II also performed
the same roles in a production of Benten Kozô (弁天小僧) at
the Kabuki-za in December 1927.  It is possible that this print
reflects Uzaemon XV's performance in that later production.

Ichikawa Chûsha VII (市川中車) as
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)

Play:  Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/1925
Print Date:  10/1925?
Artist: Miyake Hanayama (三宅花山)
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: Uzaemon XV, Chûsha VII, and Sadanji II also
performed the same roles in a production of Benten Kozô
(弁天小僧) at the Kabuki-za in December 1927.  It is
possible that this print reflects Chûsha VII's performance
in that later production.

Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

Play:  Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/1925
Print Date:  10/1925?
Artist: Miyake Hanayama (三宅花山)
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: Uzaemon XV, Chûsha VII, and Sadanji II also
performed the same roles in a production of Benten Kozô
(弁天小僧) at the Kabuki-za in December 1927.  It is
possible that this print reflects Sadanji II's performance in
that later production.

Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play:  Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/1925
Print Date:  10/1925?
Artist: Miyake Hanayama (三宅花山)
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: Uzaemon XV, Chûsha VII, and Sadanji II also
performed the same roles in a production of Benten Kozô
(弁天小僧) at the Kabuki-za in December 1927.  It is
possible that this print reflects Uzaemon XV's performance
in that later production.


Plays:  Goemon no Kama (五右衛門の釜); Hamamatsu Kaze Koi no Utabito (濱松風戀歌);
Ôsakazuki Shusen no Tsuwamono  (大杯觴酒戦強者); Shanto Kangen ( 社頭諫言);
Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami (辨天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/01/27
Print Date: 10/1927?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天[小僧菊之助])

Play: Benten Musume Otoko Shiranami (弁天娘白波男) 
[Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白波五人男)]
Date: 1955
Artist: Ohashi Gekkô (大橋月皎)
Series: [Woodblock Prings of Famous Stories of Kabuki]
Meikyôgen; Kabuki Mokuhangashu (名狂言  歌舞伎木版画集)  Series 3


Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie  (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 1974
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 100)
Image courtesy of the Saru Gallery

[The Five Bandits] Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白波五人男)
Nippon Daemon (日本駄右衛門)
Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天[小僧菊之助])
Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)
Tadanobu Rihei (忠信利平)
Akaboshi Jûzaburô (赤星十三郎)
Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie  (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 1974
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 100)
Image courtesy of the Floating World Gallery


Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 1978
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
*Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)


Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 1979
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)


Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 90)
*Image courtesy of

MAY 1988

Onoe Kikugorô VII (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白浪五人男)
[Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)]
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/1988
Print Date: 06/1988
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits VI, Six Scenes from the Stage]
Dairoku-ki Zenshin Zu Shirîzu Butai Rokkei
Personal Collection (#31/72)


Onoe Kikugorô VII (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Benten Musume Meo no Shiranami (弁天娘女男白浪)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/02/95
Print Date: 03/1995
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits X (Design 5)]
Daijû-ki Ôkubi-e Shirîzu no 5
*Image courtesy of

Note:  A larger version of the actor's face was used for
Reminiscences II (01/2000).


Benten [Kôzo Kikunosuke] (弁天[小僧菊之助])
Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Print Date: 2005
Artist: Takahashi Hiromitsu (髙橋宏光)
Medium: Kappazuri (ed. 20)
*Image courtesy of


[Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)] Enoshima ( 絵の島)
Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie
Print Date: 2016
Artist: Takahashi Hiromitsu (髙橋宏光)
Medium: Kappazuri (ed. 14)
Image courtesy of the Tolman Collection Tokyo


? as Benten Kozō (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie  (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Mizushima Nihofu (水島爾保布)
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #5
Personal Collection

Note: This actor might be Ichimura Uzaemon XV
(市村羽左衛門), who played Benten Kozô at the
Kabuki-za in April 1918, and at the Shintomi-za in
January 1922.


Benten Kozô Kikunosuke (弁天[小僧菊之助])

Play: Shiranami Gonin Otoko (白波五人男]
Print Date: ?
Artist: Ohashi Gekkô (大橋月皎)
Image courtesy of
Note: Although listed as a woodblock print, it is possible that this is
actually a painting.


                Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
                Benten Kozo (弁天小僧)

                Play: Benten Kozo (弁天小僧) or a similar play
                Performance Place: ?
                Performance Date: ?
                Print Date: ?
                Artist:  Kamishita Chikamine (神下周峯)
                Medium: Woodblock printed magazine print
                Personal Collection

                Note: Uzaemon XV performed this role at
                the Kabuki-za in April 1911, at the Hongô-za
                in June 1915, at the Kabuki-za in April 1918,
                at the Shintomi-za in January 1922, and at the
                Kabuki-za in October 1925 and December
               1927.  Given the dates that Chikamine is
               known to have been actively designing prints,
               it is likely one of the 1920s dates.

Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie 
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection

Note: Kikugorô VI first performed
this role in Tokyo at the Kabuki-za in
May 1905.  He would reprise the role
in Tokyo at the Ichimura-za in April
1914 and April 1923, at the Meiji-za
in May 1933, at the Kabuki-za in
April 1939, and at the Tokyo-za in
May-June 1946, although never
opposite Sadanji II.  It is possible that
one of these productions toured

        Ichikawa Sadanji II
        (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
        Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

        Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie 
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Sadanji II first performed this
        role in Tokyo at the Hongô-za in
        June 1915.  He would reprise the role
        in Tokyo at the Kabuki-za in April
        1918, October 1925, December 1927,
        and February 1934, though never
        opposite Kikugorô.  It is possible that
        one of these productions toured

    possibly Benten Kozô Kikunosuke

    Play: possibly Aoto Zôshi Hana no
    Print Date: ?
    Artist: Ueno Tadamasa (上野忠雅)
    Medium: Woodblock printed
    greeting card
    Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten

Onoe Kikugorô VII (尾上菊五郎) as
Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Menjo? Sachiko (毛受幸子)
Publication: Nigao-e Kabuki Ehon
Medium: Lithographic reproduction of artwork
Personal Collection
Note: Kikugorô VII performed this role in Tokyo at least 15
times between October 1973 and March 2010.

? as Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie  (青砥稿花紅彩畫) 
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yamamoto Hisashi (山本ひさし)
Medium: Woodblock printed senshafuda (large size)
Personal Collection

        ? as Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

        Play:  Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie 
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Artist:  Kamishita Chikamine
        Medium: Woodblock printed
    `   Personal Collection
        Note: Although not signed it has
        been attributed to Chikamine
        stylistically and by the fact that four
        of the eight pochibukuro in the set
        were identical to signed Chikamine

                ? as ?

                Play:  ?
                Performance Place: ?
                Performance Date: ?
                Print Date: ?
                Artist:  Kamishita Chikamine
                Medium: Woodblock printed
    `           Personal Collection
                Note: Although not signed it has
                been attributed to Chikamine
                stylistically and by the fact that four
                of the eight pochibukuro in the set
                were identical to signed Chikamine
                pochibukuro.  The character
                depicted might be Nippon Daemon
                (日本駄右衛門) in Aoto Zôshi Hana
                no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫).