Ichimura Uzaemon XVII (市村羽左衛門) as
Oshimodoshi (押戻)
Play: Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji (京鹿子娘道成寺)
Print Date: 01-04/1995
Print Title: Oshimodoshi (押戻)
Medium: Kappazuri print
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (#6/80)
Note: This print would seem to have been based on a
special gala performance or a prior broadcast of
Uzaemon XVII's performance. Uzaemon XVII's last
performance as Oshimodoshi that I could find was at
the Kokuritsu Gekijô, Tokyo, in August 1992 before
Binnie arrived in Tokyo. He also performed the role
on several previous occasions, including at the
Kabuki-za, Tokyo (February 1976 and December
1969), the Kokuritsu Gekijō, Tokyo (March 1971),
and the Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo (January 1960).
Play: Zôhiki (象引), Act III of
Keisei Ôshôkun (傾城王昭君)
Print Date: 02-03/1995
Print Title: Zôbiki (象引)
Medium: Kappazuri print
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (ed. ~80)
Ichikawa Ennosuke III (市川猿之助) as
Iwate (岩手) [Kijo (鬼女)]
Play: Kurozuka (黒塚)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/02/95
Print Date: 07/1997
Print Title: Ennosuke - Kurozuka (猿之助 - 黒塚)
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (#5/100)
Bandô Mitsugorô IX (坂東三津五郎) as
Kugeaku (公家悪) [Kiyohara no Takehira (清原武衡)]
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/01/95
Print Date: 03/1996
Print Title: Kugeaku (Bandô Mitsugorô) (公家悪 (坂東三津五郎))
Medium: Kappazuri print over lithograph
Personal Collection (#4/10)
Note: Version with pink mica
Bandô Mitsugorô IX (坂東三津五郎) as
Kugeaku (公家悪) [Kiyohara no Takehira (清原武衡)]
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/01/95
Print Date: 03/1996
Print Title: Kugeaku (Bandô Mitsugorô) (公家悪 (坂東三津五郎))
Medium: Kappazuri print over lithograph
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (#5/20)
Note: Version without mica
Ichikawa Danjûrô XII (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政)
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/01/95
Print Date: 02-03/1996
Print Title: Danjûrô - Shibaraku (団十郎 - 暫)
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (#16/100)
Ichikawa Danjûrô XII (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政)
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/01/95
Print Date: 02/1996
Print Title: Danjûrô - Shibaraku (団十郎 - 暫)
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection
Note: This is a color test print.
Toba-e (鳥羽絵)
Play: Tobae (鳥羽絵), surviving dance from
Onagori Oshie no Mazebari (御名残押繪交帳)
Print Date: 11/1995
Print Title: Toba-e (鳥羽絵)
Medium: Kappazuri print
Image courtesy of
Personal Collection (ed. 15)
Toba-e (鳥羽絵)
Play: Tobae (鳥羽絵), surviving dance from
Onagori Oshie no Mazebari (御名残押繪交帳)
Print Date: 11/1995
Print Title: Toba-e (鳥羽絵)
Medium: Kappazuri print
Personal Collection (ed. 15)
Note: Test print