
First, I would like to thank Régis Allègre, whose website was, in many ways, the initial inspiration for this site and which continues to be an invaluable source of information on a regular basis.  The same is also true of where Noh prints are concerned.  Second, I would like to thank Ken and especially Kuniko Brown for their patience and generosity in responding to my repeated requests for help in deciphering Japanese text and seals.

I would also like to thank the following people who have contributed information I've used in creating this website, or who have directly or indirectly helped me translate, date, or otherwise identify information about certain prints shown on this site:  Serge Astieres, Francesco Berio (, Paul Binnie, Kit Brooks, Ken Caplan at the Mita Arts Gallery, Gary Christenson, Robin Devereaux at, John Fiorillo, Doug Frazer and Richard Waldman at The Art of Japan, Horst Graeber, Paul Griffith, the Hanga-do staff, Toshiyuki Hara at Hara Shobo, Henk Herwig, Irwin Lavenberg, Jay Aubrey Jones, Samuel L. Leiter, Lucienne, manuD, Andreas Marks, Elias Martin at Collecting Japanese, Katherine Martin at the Scholten Gallery, Tuula Moilanen, Dr. Osamu Nagai, Amy Newland, Rhiannon Paget, Guy Pepermans, Mike Peters, Waynor and Laurie Petrie Rodgers of Petrie Rodger Asian Fine Art and Antiques, Paul Steier, Bill and Roberta Stein at the Floating World Gallery, Tachihara Aiko, the staff at the Tolman Collection (Japan), Allison Tolman of the Tolman Collection of New York, Peter Ujlaki at, Eric van den Ing at the Saru Gallery, Michael Verne of the Verne Collection Gallery, Alec W., Chris Walther, Dieter and Yorie Wanczura of, David Wend, the Yamada Shoten staff, and Go Yamao at Art Shop Ezoshi.