DRUMS (ドラム)

c. 1914-1917

Asakusa (浅草)

Print Date: c. 1914-1917
Artist: Ishii Hakutei (石井柏亭)
Series: [Twelve Views of Tokyo] Tôkyô Jûni Kei (東京十二景)
*Image courtesy of the Scholten Gallery



[Street Performer Lion Dancer]

Print Date:  1919
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Medium: Woodblock printed book print from
Yume no Furusato (夢のふる郷)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com


[The God of Thunder Fishing for His Drum]
Raikô no Taikotsuri (雷公の太鼓釣)
Print Date: 1920
Artist: Kusunose Nichinen (一楠瀬日年)
Series; Ôtsu-e Zuchô (大津絵図帖)
Image courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art

[Chicken] Niwatori (鶏)
Print Date: 1920
Artist: Kusunose Nichinen (一楠瀬日年)
Series; Ôtsu-e Zuchô (大津絵図帖)
Image courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art

MARCH 1921

Plays: Motomezuka Migaeri Nitta (求女塚身替新田); Keisei Hangonkô (傾城反魂香); Futatsu Chôchô
Kuruwa Nikki (雙蝶々曲輪日記); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の戀); Kotobuki Shiki Sanbasô (壽式三番叟)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  03/07/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Motomezuka Migaeri Nitta (求女塚身替新田); Keisei Hangonkô (傾城反魂香); Futatsu Chôchô
Kuruwa Nikki (雙蝶々曲輪日記); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の戀); Kotobuki Shiki Sanbasô (壽式三番叟)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  03/07/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

APRIL 1921

Plays: Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺曳);  Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata (近江源氏先陣館); Ataka no Seki
(安宅關); Tsuchiya Chikara (土屋主税);  Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の恋); Hatsune no Tabiji (初音の旅路)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺曳);  Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata (近江源氏先陣館); Ataka no Seki
(安宅關); Tsuchiya Chikara (土屋主税);  Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の恋); Hatsune no Tabiji (初音の旅路)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Taira no Masakado (平將門); Shinyû (親友); Oshichi (お七)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/10/27
Print Date: 02/1927?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Taira no Masakado (平將門); Shinyû (親友); Oshichi (お七)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/10/27
Print Date: 02/1927?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Performed by Carpi's Italian Grand Opera Co.


Inside the Palace of Pong-Lai

Print Date: 1928
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock
Image courtesy of the New England Art Exchange

 [Circus] Kyokuba (曲馬)

Print Date: 1928
Artist: Kawanishi Hide (川西英)
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten 


MAY 1929

Plays: Jyûsan Sai no Yoritomo (十三歳の頼朝); Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらがな盛衰記);
Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺引); Hitozame (人鮫); Genroku Hanami Odori (元禄花見踊)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/01/29
Print Date: 05/1929?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library

Plays: Jyûsan Sai no Yoritomo (十三歳の頼朝); Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらがな盛衰記);
Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺引); Hitozame (人鮫); Genroku Hanami Odori (元禄花見踊)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/01/29
Print Date: 05/1929?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library


Springtime at Loyang

Print Date: 1929
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock


Play: Nakoso no Seki (なこその関); Na mo Tachibana Homare no Ishikiri (名橘誉石切); 
Funa Benkei (船弁慶); Kozaru Shichinosuke (小猿七之助)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  01/02/32
Print Date: 01/1932?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the  the Shôchiku Ôtani Library

Play: Nakoso no Seki (なこその関); Na mo Tachibana Homare no Ishikiri (名橘誉石切);
Funa Benkei (船弁慶); Kozaru Shichinosuke (小猿七之助)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  01/02/32
Print Date: 01/1932?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the  the Shôchiku Ôtani Library


Lodging In The Gion Gay Quarter

Print Date: 1935
Artist: Nakazawa Hiromitsu (中澤弘光)
*Image courtesy of the National Museum of Asian Art



[Top and Denden Drum] Koma to Dendendaiko (独楽とでんでん太鼓)

Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 55 号
Date: 11/01/36
Artist: Katô Tei (加藤悌)



Iwato Kagura (岩戸神楽)
Print Date: 1946
Series:[Picture Notes on Native Customs of Japan]
Nihon Minzoku Zufu (日本民俗図譜)
*Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: A related design was issued as part of a different series in 1955.


[Completed Rice Harvest Ceremony]

Print Date: 10/14/52
Artist: Okuyama Gihachirô (奥山儀八郎)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com


[Hand Drum]

Print Date: 1955
Artist: Kasamatsu Shirô (笠松紫浪)
Image courtesy of https://shirokasamatsu.art

[Iwato Kagura Play (岩戸神楽)]
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Artist: Kuroki Sadao (黒木貞雄)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga Province]
Hiyûga Fubûtsu Hanga Shû (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
*Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Note: A related design was issued in a different series in 1946.


Unknown Title
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Artist: Kuroki Sadao (黒木貞雄)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga Province]
Hiyûga Fubûtsu Hanga Shû (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten


Unknown Title
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Artist: Kuroki Sadao (黒木貞雄)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga Province]
Hiyûga Fubûtsu Hanga Shû (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten


[Drum Makers] Taikozukuri (鼓作り)

Print Date: 11/1955
Artist: Wada Sanzô (和田三造)
Series: [Compendium of Occupations in the Shôwa Era]
Shôwa Shokugyô E-Zukushi (昭和職業繪盡) (Series 3)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note:  This first edition print was published by Kyoto Hangain in an edition of 200. 


[Sacred Music Players] Kagura Hayashi (神楽ばやし)

Print Date: 1959
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 20)


[Three Musicians] Sannin Hayashi (三人ばやし)

Print Date: 1962
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

Note: A similar design was issued in 1964.

[Three Musicians] Sannin Hayashi (三人ばやし)

Print Date: 1962
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)

Note: A similar design was issued in 1964.

[February] Nigatsu (二月)

Print Date: 1962
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)
Series: [12 Months of Tokyo Scenes & Manners]
Tôkyô Fûbutsu 12-Kagetsu (東京風物12ヶ月)


[Three Musicians] Sannin Hayashi (三人ばやし)

Print Date: 1964
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)
Image courtesy of Castle Fine Arts

Note: A similar design was issued in 1962.


[Sacred Dance with 5 Musicians]
Kagura to Gonin Hayashi (神楽と五人ばやし)

Print Date: 1965
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 30)

[Sacred Dance with 5 Musicians]
Kagura to Gonin Hayashi (神楽と五人ばやし)

Print Date: 1965
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)

Note: Only a black and white image is currently available. 
It is not known at this time if a color version exists
(different from the preceding entry).

[Sacred Dance Music] Kagurabayashi (神楽囃子)

Print Date: 1965
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 10)


[Three Musicians (C)] Sannin Hayashi (C) (三人囃子(C))

Print Date: 1968
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 30)

Note: Only a black and white image is currently available.  It is
not known at this time if a color version exists.


[Band Playing]

Print Date: 1969
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 100)
Image courtesy of The Ringling


[Preliminary Beating of Drums] Sakiburedaiko (先ぶれだいこ)

Print Date: 1971
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)

[Five Musicians] Goninbanashi (五人ばやし)

Print Date: 1971
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)
Image courtesy of the Floating World Gallery


[Festival Dancer]

Print Date: 1973
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 70)
Image courtesy of Kamal Bakhshi Modern Asian Art

[Festival Dancer]

Print Date: 1973
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 70)


[Five Musicians] Goninbanashi (五人ばやし)

Print Date: 1975
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)
Image courtesy of the University of Michigan Museum of Art

Note: This print was printed in a different color scheme in
1971.  A nearly identical color version was also produced
in 1976.


[Illustrated Map of Japanese Folk Song] Nihon Min'yô Ezu  (日本民謡絵図)

Print Date: 1976
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)

[Five Musicians] Goninbanashi (五人ばやし)

Print Date: 1976
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)
Image courtesy of Castle Fine Arts

Note: A nearly identical version was produced in 1975.


[Cypress Drum] Yaguradaiko (やぐら太鼓)

Print Date: 1977
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 50)
Image courtesy of Kamal Bakhshi Modern Asian Art


[Drum] Taiko (鼓)

Print Date: 1979
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. 70)
Image courtesy of the Portland Art Museum


Print Date: 1979?
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)

[Devil's Drum]

Print Date: 1979
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)
Image courtesy of the Ronin Gallery



[Roof and Shoulder Drum] Tsudzumi to Yû (鼓と憂)

Print Date:  1982
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (石井柏亭)

Note: A color image is not available at this time.


[Street Performer] Chindonya (チンドン屋)

Print Date: 1992 (ed. 100)
Artist: Nomura Takaaki (野村たかあき)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com



I Wonder As I Wander - Il Cane

Print Date: 1994 (ed. ?)
Artist: Ligustro (based on drawings by Serena Giordano)
Series: [Thirty Arcana for Eight Colors] Trenta Arcani per Otto Colori
Image courtesy of http://www.ligustro.it/


Ondeko (鬼太鼓)

Performance Place: Sado Island
Print Date: 1999
Artist: Miyashita Tokio (宮下登喜雄)
Series: [Memories of Journey to Sado Island]
Sado Kikou (佐渡紀行)
Medium:  etching (ed. 12)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com


A Drum Girl

Print Date: 2007 (ed. 85)
Artist: Aida Emiko (会田恵美子)
Medium: Etching with Aquatint
Image courtesy of Artelino.com



Tokyo, Imperial Court Orchestra (aka Gagaku [sic: Bugaku] Orchester]

Print Date: c. 1950s-1960s
Artist: Emma Bormann
Medium: Stencil Print
Image courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Girl Playing Hand Drum

Print Date: ?
Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III (長谷川貞信)
Series: Kyo-Maiko (京舞妓), No. 6
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

Tenko (天鼓)

Play: Tenko (天鼓)
Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III (長谷川貞信)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Image courtesy of MyJapaneseHanga.com

[Root] Rûto (ルート)
Print Date: ? (ed. 50)
Artist: Homma Rie (本間利依)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

Note: The boy is performing a shishimai (獅子舞), a Japanese lion dance.


[Japanese Drum] Wadaiko (和太鼓)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Ikeda Shûzô (池田脩三)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com


[Enchanting Melody] Shirabe (調べ)

Print Date: 1949 (ed. 300)
Artist: Katô Shinmei (加藤晨明)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

Note: According to one source the publication date was 1979.


Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock

Note: Part of a series with "Banjo" and "Flute."

The Drummer

Print Date: ? (pre-1924)
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock
Image courtesy of the Bridget McDonnell Gallery

Drummer Boy

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock

[Two Women Playing Exotic Instruments -
stringed horn and drum]

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock


Print Date: ? (pre-1932)
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock

Note: This is possibly an alternate name for "Drums of the
House of Toba."  The watercolor for this design (which
may not exist) was exhibited in 1931.

Drums of the House of Toba

Print Date: ? (pre-1929)
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock

Note: What is shown is the original watercolor from my collection, as a
copy of the finished etching has not as yet been located.

The Dance of Spring (aka Dance Band; Burmese Entertainers)

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock
Image courtesy of Frederick Baker, Inc.

The Pwe

Print Date: ?
Artist: E.G. MacColl
Medium: Etching
Image courtesy of Richard Jenner

Note: Auction records mention prints called "Burmese
Dancers and "Dancers," which could be an alternate
title for this print or for "The Pwe" or else refer to some
as-yet unlocated designs.

The Karen Frog Drum

Print Date: ?
Artist: E.G. MacColl
Medium: Etching

Karen Frog Drum

Print Date: ?
Artist: E.G. MacColl
Medium: Etching

[Eihei Temple - Hitting the Drum "Big Thunder"]       
永平寺 鼓を打つ 大雷 (Eihei-ji Tsuzumi wo Utsu O-kaminari)

Date: ?
Artist: Onda Akio (恩田秋夫)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

                [Ôtsu-e: Thunder God Retrieving his Drum]
                Print Date: ?
                Artist: Takahashi Shôzan IV (高橋松山)
                *Image courtesy of the National Museum of Asian Art

                [Ancient Musical Instruments: [Zither] Sou (箏); [Drum] Daiko (大鼓); and  [Flute] Ritsubue (律笛)]
                Print Date: ?
                Artist: Takeshita Kin-u (竹下金烏)
                Image courtesy of Artelino.com


[Children's Play) Kodomo Asobi (子供遊び )

Print Date: ?
Artist: Yamamoto Shôun (山本昇雲)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

[Geisha and Drum]

Print Date: ?
Artist: Yurimoto Keiko (由里本景子)
Image courtesy of Ukiyoe Gallery Japanese Woodblock Prints

[Geisha with Tsuzumi]

Print Date: ?
Artist: Yurimoto Keiko (由里本景子)
Image courtesy of Ukiyoe Gallery Japanese Woodblock Prints

Beauty with a Drum

Print Date: ?
Artist: Kikuchi Keigetsu (菊池契月)
Image courtesy of Fuji Arts