[Play on Sharaku: Ruffian]
Gisaku Sharaku Aragoto (戯似 Sharaku あら事)
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Print Date: 1963
Personal Collection (#15/16)
[Pseudo Sharaku / Aragoto]
Gisaku Sharaku Aragoto (戯似 Sharaku あら事)
Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Print Date: 1963
Image courtesy of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Note: Color variant. The LACMA copy (ex. Juda Collection)
is entitled "Samurai" on its website, and the image is
rotated 90 degrees to the right.
[Play on Sharaku: Traveling]
Gisaku Sharaku Michiyuki (戯似 Sharaku 道行)
Play: Tsuki no Mayu Koi no Saichu (月眉恋最中) scene of
Yomono Nishiki Kokyono Tabiji (四方錦故郷旅路)
Print Date: 1963
Personal Collection (#3/15)
Note: This appears to depict the famous Ninokuchi Mura traveling
with Chûbei and Umegawa. The play Sharaku based his print on
is all
but forgotten today, but the scene remains a staple of kabuki
plays such
as Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (恋飛脚大和往来). Although the print is
referred to as Sharaku: Elopement, "elopement" would appear to be
improper reading of "michiyuki" in the context of this play.