MORITA KAN'YA XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌)
10/18/1885 - 06/16/1932



Print Date: 12/28/11, Appendix to Engei Gahô Vol. 6
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Machine printed lithographic sugoroku
Personal Collection


Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥)  as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Personal Collection


JULY 1912

Sugoroku of Portraits of Popular Characters (Atari yaku nigaoe sugoroku)

Print Date: 01/01/13
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Medium: Sugoroku Lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: Supplement to the magazine Engei Kurabu, Vol. 2, No. 1.




                                    Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
                                    Ume no Suke (右馬之助)
                                    Play: Ninin Bakama (二人袴)
                                    Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
                                    Performance Date: 07/14/12
                                    Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
                                    Personal Collection


JULY 1915

Morita Kan’ya XIII
(守田勘弥;  守田勘彌) as
Buddha (釈迦)

Play: Washimo Shiranai
Performance Place: Bungei-za at the
Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/28/15
Print Date: 08/01/15
Artist: Ishii Hakutei (石井柏亭)
Publication: Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao) 
(新似顔), Vol. 3
Personal Collection



Morita Kan’ya XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Jan Barujan [Jean Valjean] (ジャン・バルジャン)

Play: Re Mizeraburu [Les Miserables] (レ・ミゼラブル)
Performance Place: Yûraku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/01/20
Print Date: 1921
Artist: Yamamura Kôka (山村耕花)
*Image courtesy of the National Museum of Asian Art


Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘彌) as
Kyôjin [Madman] Katsushima Yoshitarô (勝島義太郎)
Play: Akujyô no Kyôjin (屋上の狂人)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/01/21
Print Date: 1921
Artist: Itô Shinsui (伊東深水)
Image courtesy of The Art of Japan
Note: There was a second production of Akujyô no Kyôjin in Tokyo
that opened on June 21, 1921 at the Meiji-za.  Sawada Shôjirô
(澤田正二郎) played the main role in that production.  Depending
on the month when this print was made, I cannot rule out the pos-
sibility that it depicts Sawada Shôjirô and not Morita Kany'a XIII.  
However, based on a photo-postcard I have found, I believe it
depicts Kany'a XIII.

MAY 1922

Play: Tadanao Kyô Gyôjyôki (忠直卿行状記)     
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Artist: ?
Image courtesy of

Note: Also on the bill were Tachi Nusubito
(太刀盗人), Heikegani (平家蟹), Shinkei
Kasane-ga Fushi (真景累ヶ渕), and Shinobi
Yoru Koi no Kusemono (忍夜恋曲者). 
The cast included  Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥), Onoe Eizaburô VII
(尾上 栄三郎), Onoe Baikô VI
(尾上梅幸), and Onoe Kikugorô VI 

JUNE 1922

Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Sakuramaru (桜丸)
Play: Sugawara Denjù Tenarai Kagami
(菅原伝授手習鑑; 菅原傳授手習鑑)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/06/22
Print Date: 06/1922?
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Personal Collection

Note: This design (lacking Kunisada's
signature and seal, no doubt because
Kunisada had died in 1920) was originally
issued in a slightly different color scheme
circa March 1919 depicting the actor
Nakamura Kaisha (中村魁車) in this role at
the Shintomi-za.


Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Yakko-dako (奴凧)

Play: Yakko-dako (奴凧)
Performance Place:Teikoku Gekijô,
Performance Date: 01/01/25
Print Date:  1928?
Artist:  Kamishita Chikamine (神下周峯) 
Medium: Woodblock printed
Series: [Images of Famous Actors of
Today] Tôsei Meiyû Omokage Zôshi
(當世名優面影双紙) #5
Personal Collection



MARCH 1926

Morita Kan’ya XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Kajiwara Genta Kagesue (梶原源太景季)

Play: Hirakana  Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記; ひらがな盛衰記 )
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/03/26
Print Date: 1928
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Sôsaku Hanga: Shunsen Nigao-e Shû
(創作版画 春仙似顔集) (#28)
*Personal Collection

APRIL 1926  

[Kabuki Manga]

Print Date: 1927
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed lithograph
Personal Collection

Note: It is unlcear if this is from the same magazine as
Eiga Sutâ Sugao - Manga Hogoita (1927) by Kitazawa
Rakuten shown elsewhere on this site.  The two pieces were
acquired from the same dealer at the same time and are
ascribed the same date, but appear to bear different artist


          Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘彌) as
          Ashikaga Mitsuuji (足利光氏)
          Play: Inaka Genji Tsuyu no Shinonome (田舎源氏露東雲)
          Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
          Performance Date: 04/01/26
          Publication Date: 1927
          Artist: ?
          Personal Collection


Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Kamon'nosuke (掃部之助)
Play: ?
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: c. 1917-1920
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of

            Morita Kan'ya XIII
            (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
            Kamon'nosuke (掃部之助)
            Play: ?
            Performance Place: Ichimura-
            za, Tokyo
            Performance Date: ?
            Print Date: c. 1917-1920
            Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III
            Medium: woodblock printed
            Personal Collection

            Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
            Hayami no Tôta (早見藤太; 逸見藤太)

            Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (義経千本桜)
            Performance Place: ?
            Performance Date:  ?
            Print Date: 1950 or later
            Artist: Ota Gatô (太田雅光)
            Series: Meifu Miyage Geki no Omokage
            (冥府苞苴劇容彩)  (#10)
            Medium: ?
            Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

            Note: It is unclear if this is a woodblock print, a watercolor
            drawing, or a hand-colored keyblock print for an
            unpublished design.   Kan'ya XIII (erroneously denominated
            Kan'ya XIV on the print) died on June 16, 1932 at age 48.


L: Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥;
守田勘彌) as Komatsuya Sôshichi
R: Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎)
as Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: L: Hakata Kojorô Nami
Makura (博多小女郎浪枕);
R: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: L: ?; R: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: L: ?; R: 05/03/25
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tanaka Shikô (田中紫光)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection

Note: I have found a record of Kan'ya
XIII performing the role of
Komatsuya Sôshichi at the Teikoku
Gekijô in in April 1928, but this seems
to be too late in time given some of the
other performance dates for other
senshafuda in this series.

Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Shirozaki Uri [Shinbei]
(白酒売; 白酒うり)
Play: Sukeroku Yukari no Edo
Zakura (助六由縁江戸桜)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed
matchbook cover
Note: Kan'ya XIII performed
this role in Tokyo at the
Ichimura-za in April 1915 and
in April 1918, and at the Tokyo
Gekijô in May 1930.



Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥; 守田勘彌) as
Fujiya Izaemon (藤屋伊左衛門)
Play:  Kuruwa Bunshô (廓文章)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection

Note: Kan'ya XIII  performed this role
in Tokyo at the Ichimura-za in December