

Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政)

Play: Shibaraku (暫)
Print Date: 1966
Title: Kumadori I
Image courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Art
Note: Copies dated 1967 are also known to exist.

Sekimori Sekibei (関守関兵衛)/Kuronushi (黒主)

Play: Seki no To (雪関扉)
Print Date: 1966
Title: Kumadori II
Image courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Art

Note: Copies dated 1968 are also known to exist.



Play: ?
Print Date: 1966
Title: Kumadori III
Image courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Art

Note: Copies dated 1967 are 1968 are also known to exist.

Hyakushô Yoichibê (百姓与一兵衛)

Play: Kanadehon Chûshingura
(仮名手本忠臣蔵; 假名手本忠臣蔵)
Print Date: 1966
Title: Yochibei - Chushingura
Personal Collection (#5/50)

Senzaki Yagoro (千崎弥五郎)

Play: Kanadehon Chûshingura
(仮名手本忠臣蔵; 假名手本忠臣蔵)
Print Date: 1966 (ed. 50)
Title: Chushingura Senzaki Yagoro
Image courtesy of Lambsquay Japanese Print Gallery