Unknown Dates 



Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Title: ?

Note: The title for this print is possibly Kumadori IV, V, VI,
or VII and it was likely produced circa 1966.  The image
was taken from a tiny digital image of an offset print showing
six Kumadori designs but a separate woodblock print version
is believed to exist.


Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Title: ?

Note: The title for this print is possibly Kumadori IV, V, VI,
or VII and it was likely produced circa 1966.  The image
was taken from a tiny digital image of an offset print showing
six Kumadori designs but a separate woodblock print version
is believed to exist.



Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Title: ?

Note: The title for this print is possibly Kumadori IV, V, VI,
or VII and it was likely produced circa 1966.  The image
was taken from a tiny digital image of an offset print showing
six Kumadori designs but a separate woodblock print version
is believed to exist.


Ôtomo Kuronushi (大伴黒主)

Play: Tsumoru Koi Yuki no Seki no To
(積恋雪関扉; 積戀雪關扉)
Print Date: ?
Title: ?

Note: The title for this print is possibly Kumadori IV, V, VI,
or VII and it was likely produced circa 1966.  The image
was taken from a tiny digital image of an offset print showing
six Kumadori designs but a separate woodblock print version
is believed to exist.


Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Title: Kado

Note: It is not clear that this print depicts a scene from a kabuki play.