aka KEZORI (毛剃)
Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Komatsuya Sôshichi (小松屋惣七)
Play: Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 1901/10/06/01
Print Date: 09/1901
Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi
Memorial Theatre Museum
Ichikawa Danjûrô IX
(市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as'
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Nakamura Shikan V (中村芝翫) as
Kojorô (小女郎)
Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Komatsuya Sôshichi (小松屋惣七)
Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Plays: Kanbashiya Gishi no Homare (芳哉義士誉); Koi Minato Hakata
no Hitofushi (恋港博多諷);
Kotobuki Utsubo Zaru (寿靭猿)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/06/01
Print Date: 10/06/01
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
APRIL 1916
Plays: Meiboku Sendai Hagi (伽羅先代萩); Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前); Hakata
Kojorô Nami Makura
(博多小女郎浪枕); Hanagoyomi Hasshojin (花暦八笑人)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/16
Print Date: 04/1916?
Artist: Torii Kiyotada (鳥居清忠)
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Nakamura Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Play: Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/02/18
Print Date: 1918?
Artist: Shimizu Miezô (清水三重三)
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
MAY 1921
Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
[Komatsuya] Sôshichi ([小松屋]宗七 )
Play: Koi no Minato Hakata no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Artist: ?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This print is similar in format to the series of
prints designed by Kunisada III between 1917 and
1920, and was probably issued by the publisher in a
limited attempt to continue the series after Kunisada
III's death in 1920. It is also possible that it is a
posthumous reissue of an unknown Kunisada III
Matsumoto Kôshirô VII
(松本幸四郎) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門 )
Play: Koi no Minato Hakata
no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷)
Performance Place:
Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Artist: ?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru
Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of
Note: This print is similar
in format to the series of prints
designed by
Kunisada III between 1917 and 1920, and
was probably issued by the
publisher in a limited attempt
to continue the series after
Kunisada III's death in 1920.
It is also possible
that it is a posthumous reissue of an
unknown Kunisada III
Plays: Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (菅原伝授手習鑑); Daitokuji (大徳寺);
Nebiki no Kadomatsu
(寿門松); Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷); Mashira no
Kusemai (猿曲舞)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
c. 1922-1923
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Play: Hakata Kojoro Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕)
Date: c. 1922-1923
Artist: Noda Kyûho (野田九浦)
Series: Dai Chikamatsu Zenshu Furoku Mokuhan
(大近松全集 付録木版)
*Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Nakamura Fukusuke IV (中村福助) as
Komatsuya Sôshichi (小松屋宗七)
Play: Kezori (毛剃), common name for
Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi
(恋湊博多諷; 恋港博多諷)
Performance Place: Minami-za, Kyoto
Performance Date: 03-04/1923
Print Date: 1927
Series: Sôsaku Hanga: Shunsen Nigao-e Shû
(創作版画 春仙似顔集) (#25)
*Personal Collection
Note: I have not located a performance by Fukusuke IV in
this role in Tokyo.
APRIL 1928
Plays: Shinmon Tatsugorô (新門辰五郎); Hirakana Seisuiki
(ひらがな盛衰記); Suô Otoshi (素襖落);
Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕); Hidari Kogatana (左小刀)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/28
Print Date: 04/1928?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Play: Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕)
Print Date: 01/25/41
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Chikamatsu Juni-kagatsu [Twelve Months of
Personal Collection (#298/300)
Folder for Kezori Kuemon print
Play: Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕)
Print Date: 01/25/41
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Chikamatsu Juni-kagatsu [Twelve Months of Chikamatsu]
Personal Collection (#298/300)
August (8月): [Kezori in a Yuan [Dynasty] boat]
Gen-sen Kezori (元船毛剃)
Play: Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕)
Print Date: 1950
Artist: Ueno Tadamasa (上野忠雅)
Series: [Calendar of Kabuki Actors] Kabuki Sugata-goyomi
^Personal Collection
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Play: Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura (博多小女郎浪枕)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次;
市川左團次) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Play: Hakata Kojorô Nami Makura
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
Note: Sadanji II performed this role in
Tokyo at the Shintomi-za in October 1914,
at the Meiji-za in November 1920, and at
the Kabuki-za in December 1928.
L: Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥;
守田勘彌) as Komatsuya Sôshichi
R: Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎)
as Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)
Play: L: Hakata Kojorô Nami
Makura (博多小女郎浪枕);
R: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: L: ?; R: Shinbashi Enbujô,
Performance Date: L: ?; R: 05/03/25
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tanaka Shikô (田中紫光)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection
Note: I have found a record of Kan'ya
XIII performing the role of
Komatsuya Sôshichi at the Teikoku
Gekijô in in April 1928, but this seems
to be too late in time given some of the
other performance dates for other
senshafuda in this series.