Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Kajiwara Heizo Kagetoki (梶原平三景時)
Play: Kajiwara Heizô Homare no Ishikiri (梶原平三誉石切)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Toyko
Performance Date: 01/1979
Print Date: 09/1980
Artist: Yamamoto Hisashi (山本ひさし)
Personal Collection (A/P)
MARCH 1979
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Kinoshita Tôkichi (木下藤吉)
Play: Kinkakuji (金閣寺), Act IV of
Gion Sairei Shinkoki (祇園祭礼信仰記)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/1979
Print Date: 12/1988
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Personal Collection (#27/63)
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Nanpô Jûjibê (南方十次兵衛)
Play: Hikimado (引窓), Act VIII of
Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki (双蝶々曲輪日記)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/1980
Print Date: 09/11/80
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits II (Design 1)]
Daini-ki Ôkubi-e Shirîzu no 1 (第二期大首絵シリーズの1)
Personal Collection (#21/45)
Note: 2 copies from the edition of 45 were destroyed by the
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Matsuômaru (松王丸)
Play: Kuruma Biki (車引), Act 3, Scene 1 of
Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (菅原傳授手習鑑)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/02/85
Print Date: 01/1985
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits IV (Design 8)]
Daishi-ki Ôkubi-e Shirîzu no 8
Personal Collection (#3/45)
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Musashibô Benkei (武蔵坊弁慶)
Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/1988
Print Date: 02/1988
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits VI, Six Scenes from the Stage]
Dairoku-ki Zenshin Zu Shirîzu Butai Rokkei
Personal Collection (#28/72)
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Yakko Unpei (奴運平)
Play: Michiyuki Tabiji no Yomeiri (道行), Act 8 of
Kanadehon Chûshingura (假名手本忠臣蔵)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/02/91
Print Date: 03/1991
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits VIII (Design 5)]
Daihachi-ki Ôkubi-e Shirîzu no 5
Personal Collection (#33/90)
MARCH 1993
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Togashi Saemon (富樫左衛門)
Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/02/93
Print Date: 12/1993
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Image courtesy of Tsuruya-koukei.com
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Keyamura Rokusuke (毛谷村六助)
Play: Keya-mura (毛谷村), Act 9 of
Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi (彦山権現誓助劍)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/02/97
Print Date: 03/1997
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Series: [Bust Portraits XI (Design 6)]
Daijûichi-ki Ôkubi-e Shirîzu no 6
Image courtesy of Tsuruya-koukei.com
Reminiscences I (思い出 I)
Print Date: 01/1999
Artist: Tsuruya Kokei (弦屋光溪)
Personal Collection (#15/72)
Note: 35 copies from the edition of 72 were never printed.
the difficulty in photographing this print in view of its large
size, I
have used the image on the Kôkei website in lieu of one of my
own numbered copy. This print contains larger versions of
following actors' faces (left to right starting at the top row):
1. Kataoka Takao I (片岡孝夫) as Tsurigane Gonsuke (釣鐘権助) in
Sakurahime Azuma Bunshô (桜姫東文章), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (03/1981).
2. Sawamura Sôjûrô IX (澤村宗十郎) as Miuraya Agemaki (三浦屋揚巻) in
Kurotegumi Kuruwa no Tatehiki (黒手組曲輪達引), Kabuki-za, Tokyo
3. Nakamura Ganjirô II (中村鴈治郎) as Kamiya Jihê (紙屋治兵衛) in
Kawashô, Act I of Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島), Kabuki-za,
Tokyo (1979/01/1979).
4. Onoe Tatsunosuke I (尾上辰之助) as Naosuke Gonbê (直助権兵衛) in
Yotsuya Kaidan (四谷怪談),Kabuki-za, Tokyo (06/02/1983).
5. Ichikawa Ebizô X (市川海老蔵) as Akushichibyôe Kagekiyo (悪七兵衛景情) in
Kagekiyo (景清), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (05/02/1984).
6. Onoe Baikô VII (尾上梅幸) as Ôgiya Yûgiri (扇屋夕霧) in
Yoshidaya (吉田屋), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (01/02/1983).
7. Nakamura Shikan VII (中村芝翫) as Kuzu no Ha (葛の葉)/Byakko (白狐) in
Kuzu no Ha (葛の葉), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (06/01/1986).
8. Kawarazaki Gonjurô III (河原崎権十郎) as Sashichi (佐七) in
Omatsuri Sashichi (お祭佐七), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (05/03/1987).
9. Nakamura Tomijûrô V (中村富十郎) as Kô no Moronô (高師直) in
Kanadehon Chûshingura (仮名手本忠臣蔵), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (02/01/1986).
10. Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as Keyamura Rokusuke (毛谷村六助) in
Keya-mura (毛谷村), Act IX of Hikosan Gongen Chikai no Sukedachi
(彦山権現誓助剣; 彦山権現誓助剱), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (01/02/1997).
11. Nakamura Jakuemon IV (中村雀右衛門) as Sakuraya Koman (桜屋小万) in
Godairiki Koi no Fujime (五大力恋緘), Kabuki-za, Tokyo (09/01/1989).
12. Ichikawa Danshirô IV ( 市川段四郎) as Yasha Gorô (夜叉五郎) in
Jiraiya (児雷也), Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo (11/01/1992).
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as
Kanpei (勘平)
Play: Kanadehon Chûshingura
(假名手本忠臣蔵; 仮名手本忠臣蔵)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Menjo? Sachiko (毛受幸子)
Publication: Nigao-e Kabuki Ehon
Medium: Lithographic reproduction of artwork
Personal Collection
Note: Kichiemon II portrayed Kanpei in Tokyo at the Kabuki-
za in September 1974 and March 1980.
Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門) as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yamamoto Hisashi (山本ひさし)
Unknown Kumadori
Performance Place: Shikoku Konpira Kabuki Grand
Theater, Kotohira
Performance Dates: April 27-29, 1986
Print Date: 1986
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed poster
Personal Collection
Note: The program was made up of Kiwametsuki
Banzui Chôbê (極付幡随長兵衛) and Yami no Ume
Hyaku Monogatari (闇梅百物語). It starred Nakamura
Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門), Sawamura Tôjûrô II
(沢村藤十郎; 澤村藤十郎), Nakamura Kankurô V
(中村勘九郎), Nakamura Kashô III (中村歌昇); Bandô
Keizô II (坂東慶三), and Ichikawa Shinsha II (市川新車).
? as ?
Play: 2004
Performance Place: Kanamaru-za, Kotohira
Performance Dates: April 30-May 13, 2004
Print Date: 1992
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed poster
Personal Collection
Note: The programs were made up of Saikai Zakura Misome
no Kiyomizu (再桜遇清水), Omatsuri (お祭り), and Hagoromo
(羽衣). It starred Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門),
Nakamura Kaishun II (中村魁春), Nakamura Baigyoku V
(中村梅玉), Nakamura Kashô III (中村歌昇), Nakamura Tôzô
VI (中村東蔵), Nakamura Tamatarô (中村智太郎), and
Sawamura Yoshijirô V (沢村由次郎; 澤村由次郎).