KISAN (璣山)
Undated Prints
Envelope for three prints (First Series)
Yakko (奴)
Play: Yakko Dako Sato no Harukaze (奴凧廓春風)
Print Date: ?
Personal Collection
Table of Contents (First Series)
Print Date: ?
Personal Collection
Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
Marubashi Chûya (丸橋忠彌)
Play: Marubashi Chûya (丸橋忠彌)
Print Date: ?
Nakamura Fukusuke IV, V, VI, or VII (中村福助) as
Shirabyôshi Hanako (白拍子花子)
Play: Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji (京鹿子娘道成寺)
Print Date: ?
Personal Collection
Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
Megumi Tatsugorô (め組辰五郎)
Play: Megumi no Kenka (め組の喧嘩)
Print Date: ?
Personal Collection
Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Personal Collection
Note: This print appears to be from a second series of
prints. It is
possible that it represents Tomomori (知盛) in Daimotsu no Ura
(大物浦), Act II, Scene 4 of Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (義経千本桜).
Play: ?
Print Date: ?
Image courtesy of Serge Astieres
Note: This print appears to be from a second series of prints.