
[KISS] Kisu (キッス)
[Eric Singer] Erikku Shingâ (エリック・シンガー) [英陸真我]
[Paul Stanley] Pôru Sutanrê (ポール・スタンレー) [宝琉須丹礼]
[Gene Simmons]  Jîn Shimonzu (ジーン・シモンズ) [陣史紋頭]
[Tommy Thayer] Tomî Seiyâ (トミー・セイヤー) [富井成也]
[Kabuki] Seppun Yoninshû Ôkubi (接吻四人衆大首揃)

Print Date: 2015
Artist: Ishikawa Masumi (石川真澄)
Series: [KISS x Ukiyo-e Concept] Kisu x Ukiyoe Konseputo
(キッス x 浮世絵コンセプト)
Image courtesy of the Ukiyo-e Project

[Gene Simmons]  Jîn Shimonzu (ジーン・シモンズ) as
[the big face Flying Devil] Soratobu Dai Kao no Akuma
[Eric Singer] Erikku Shingâ (エリック・シンガー) as
Nekomata (猫又)
[Tommy Thayer] Tomî Seiyâ (トミー・セイヤー) as
Nuribotoke (塗佛)
[Paul Stanley] Pôru Sutanrê (ポール・スタンレー) as
the samurai [Star Child] Tâchairudo (ターチャイルド)
[Monstrous] Seppun Yoninshû Henaya-zu

Print Date: 2015
Artist: Ishikawa Masumi (石川真澄)
Series: [KISS x Ukiyo-e Concept] Kisu x Ukiyoe Konseputo
(キッス x 浮世絵コンセプト)
*Image courtesy of the Ukiyo-e Project

[Paul Stanley] Pôru Sutanrê (ポール・スタンレー)
applying makeup
[Gene Simmons]  Jîn Shimonzu (ジーン・シモンズ) as
[The King of Hell] Enma Daiô (閻魔大王)\
[Eric Singer] Erikku Shingâ (エリック・シンガー) and
[Tommy Thayer] Tomî Seiyâ (トミー・セイヤー) as
[Demons] Oni (鬼)
[Paul Stanley] Seppun Yoninshû no Uchi Pôru Sutanrê

Print Date: 2015
Artist: Ishikawa Masumi (石川真澄)
Series: [KISS x Ukiyo-e Concept] Kisu x Ukiyoe Konseputo
(キッス x 浮世絵コンセプト)
Image courtesy of the Ukiyo-e Project


[KISS VS MCZ (Mormoiro Clover Z]
Momoiro Kuruubaa Otsu Seppun
Yoninshû Oo Kassen Emaki

Print Date: 2015
Artist: Ôishi Megumi (大石恵美)
Series: [KISS x Ukiyo-e Concept] Kisu x Ukiyoe Konseputo
(KISS x 浮世絵コンセプト)
Image courtesy of the Ukiyo-e Project

Note: See the 2015 entry for Ishikawa Masumi for other
prints in this series.