Appendix Sheet to Volume 2 - Masks, mask boxes,
costumes and props
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: c. 1898 or later
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#54]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh
Appendix Sheet to Volume 3 - Hats and a hat box
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: c. 1899 or later
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#106]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh
Appendix Sheet to Volume 4 - Masks, props of bells
and other objects, and a
Takasago couple
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: c. 1900 or later
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#158]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh
Table of Contents for Volume 5, covering prints in the c.
1901-1902 time period.
[Continuation Index] Zokuhen Mokuroku (続編目録)
Print Date: 12/2019/02
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#210]
Image courtesy of Artelino.com