

MAY 1794

Ôtani Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as Yakko Edobei (奴江戸兵衛)

Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (恋女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Print Date: 11/2011
Artist: Paul Binnie
Print Title: [Sharaku's Caricatures]
Sharaku no Giga (写楽の戯画)
Series: [A Hundred Shades of Ink of Edo]
Edo Sumi Hyaku Shoku (江戸墨百色)
Image courtesy of Binniecatalogue.com
Personal Collection (#37/100)

Note:  The tattoo of Ôtani Oniji is based on a 1794 print
by Tôshûsai Sharaku (東洲斎写楽) .  The cartouche depicts
Ichikawa Ebizô I (市川海老蔵) as Takemura Sadanoshin
(竹村定之進) in the same play, also after a 1794 print by Sharaku.


Ôtani Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as
Yakko Edobei (奴江戸兵衛)
Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (恋女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Artist: Ouchi Makoto (大内マコト)
Print Title: [Fan - Ni] 扇 - に (Ougi - Ni)
Print Date: ? (ed. 60)
Medium: etching with woodblock printed color
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This design is based on a 1794 print by Tôshûsai Sharaku

Ichikawa Monnosuke II (市川門之助) as
Date no Yosaku (伊達与作)
Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Artist: Ouchi Makoto (大内マコト)
Print Title: NY Sharaku (NY 写楽 )
Print Date: 1985 (ed. 100)
Medium: etching with woodblock printed color
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This design is based on a 1794 print by Tôshûsai Sharaku

Bandô Mitsugorô II (坂東三津五郎) as Ishii Genzô (石井源蔵)]
Nakamura Man'yo (中村万世) as Wakakusa (若草)
Segawa Tomisaburō II (瀬川富三郎) as Yadorigi (やどり木)
Play: Hana Ayame Bunroku Sôga (花菖蒲文禄曽我)
Performance Place: Miyako-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Iwai Hanshirō IV (岩井半四郎) as Shigenoi (重の井)
Ichikawa Ebizô (市川鰕蔵) as Takemura Sadanoshin (竹村定之進)
Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Print Title: [Illusions of Sharaku] Sharaku Gen'ei (写楽幻影)
Print Date: 1985 (ed. 100)
Artist: Ouchi Makoto (大内マコト)
Medium: etching with woodblock printed color
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This design is based on 1794 prints by Tôshûsai Sharaku (東洲斎写楽).

Ichikawa Ebizô (市川鰕蔵) as Takemura Sadanoshin (竹村定之進)
Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Print Title: [Dice]
Print Date: 1971 (ed. 60)
Artist: Ouchi Makoto (大内マコト)
Medium: etching with woodblock printed color
*Image courtesy of the National Museum of Asia Art
Note: This design is based on a 1794 print by Tôshûsai Sharaku (東洲斎写楽).


Play: ?
Performance Place: Shikoku Konpira Kabuki Grand Theater,
Performance Dates: June 15-18, 1985
Print Date: 1985
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed poster
Personal Collection

Note: The program was made up of Saikai Zakura Misome
no Kiyomizu (再桜遇清水) and Niwaka Jishi (俄獅子). It
starred Nakamura Kichiemon II (中村吉右衛門), Sawamura
Tôjûrô II (沢村藤十郎;  澤村藤十郎), Sawamura Sôjûrô IX
(沢村宗十郎;  澤村宗十郎), Ichimura Yoshigorô II
(市村吉五郎), Ichimura Kakitsu IX (市村家橘), and
Nakamura Kangorô XIII.  The poster design is based on a
print by Tôshûsai Sharaku (東洲斎写楽) that depicts Ôtani
Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as Yakko Edobei (奴江戸兵衛) in the play
Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (恋女房染分手綱), which
premiered at the Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo, on May 5, 1794.

JUNE 1918

Nakamura Utaemon V (中村歌右衛門)
as Shigenoi (重の井)

Play:  Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna
(恋女房染分手綱; 戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/09/18
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo
(藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock printed
envelope [Fujisawa Pochibukuro Set #1]
Personal Collection


Nakamura Utaemon V (中村歌右衛門)
as Shigenoi (重の井)

Play:  Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna
(恋女房染分手綱; 戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/09/18
Print Date: ?
Artist: Fujisawa Tatsuo
(藤澤龍雄; 藤沢竜雄)
Medium: Woodblock print
[Fujisawa Accordion Album Set #2]
Personal Collection


            Nakamura Utaemon V (中村歌右衛門) as
            Shigenoi (重の井)

            Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna
            Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
            Performance Date: 06/09/18
            Print Date: 06/1918?
            Artist: Utagawa Kunisada III (歌川国貞)
            Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
            (千代 栄劇彩)
            Image courtesy of Artelino.com


Sankichi (三吉)

Shigenoi (重の井; 滋野井)

Play:  Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (戀女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: [Bunraku-za, Osaka?]
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: 1963
Artist: Hanabusa Hideki (花房英樹)
Series: Bunraku-za Ningyô Hanga-shû
(文楽座人形版画集), #3
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

JUNE 1985 c. 1997

Ôtani Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as Yakko Edobei (奴江戸兵衛)

Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (恋女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Print Date: c. 1997
Artist: Kitano Takeshi (北野武)
Print Title: [Scull Sharaku] Dokuro Sayaraku (髑髏写楽)
Personal Collection (ed. 50)
Note: The original creation was used in the film
[Fireworks] Hana-bi (花火) in 1997.   The
woodblock print was made for one of Kitano's
television shows.  It combines elements of
Sharaku's 1794 print with the skeleton from
Kuniyoshi's c. 1844 print "Mitsukuni Defying
the Skeleton Spectre Invoked by Princess



Ôtani Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as
Yakko Edohei (奴江戸兵衛)

Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (恋女房染分手綱)
Performance Place: Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/1794
Print Date: ? (ed. 250)
Artist: Katô Yuichirô (加藤裕一郎?}
Print Title: Antique Store In Kiyomizu]
Kiyomizu no Kotto-ya (清水の骨董屋)
Medium: Silkscreen
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: The print shown in the antique store is by Tôshûsai Sharaku
(東洲斎写楽) and depicts Ôtani Oniji I (大谷鬼次) as Yakko Edohei
(奴江戸兵衛) in the play Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna
(恋女房染分手綱), which premiered at the Kawarazaki-za, Tokyo, on
May 5, 1794.


Jinenjo no Sankichi (自然薯三吉)

Play: Koi Nyôbô Somewake Tazuna (戀女房染分手綱)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Migata Toshide (右田年英)
Medium: Magazine Lithograph
Image courtesy of Artelino.com