[Kaiden Dance] Kaiden Odori (かいでん踊)
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. 20
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
[Taihei Dance] Taihei Odori (泰平踊)
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. 6
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Banba Odori (ばんば踊)
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
[Iwato Kagura Play (岩戸神楽)]
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
*Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Note: A related design was issued in a different series in 1946.
Unknown Title
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Unknown Title
Print Date: 1955 (ed. 100)
Series: [Collection of Prints of Customs and Manners of Hiyuuga
Hiyūga Fubūtsu Hanga Shū (日向風物版画集). Vol. 1, No. ?
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten