c. 1898-1902
Appendix Sheet to Volume 2 - Masks, mask boxes,
costumes and props
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: c. 1898 or later
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#54]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh
Appendix Sheet to Volume 4 - Masks, props of bells
and other objects, and a
Takasago couple
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: c. 1900 or later
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#158]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh
[Mask of Different Types] Appendix Sheet to Volume 2
[Appendix] Furoku (附録)
Print Date: 12/20/02
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#211]
Image courtesy of
[Demon] Oni (鬼)
Print Date: 08/14/08
Artist: Asai Chû (浅井忠)
Published in Hôsun (方寸), Vol. 2, No. 6 (August 14, 1908)
Medium: Woodblock and zinc plate print
Ex Libris Traute Carlsen
Print Date: 1913
Artist: Emil Orlik
Medium: Etching in brown
Ex Libris Traute Carlsen
Print Date: 1913
Artist: Emil Orlik
Medium: Etching in brown and black
Image courtesy of Galerie Hochdruck
Print Date: 1917
Artist: Elizabeth Keith
Medium: color etching
Personal Collection
Note: This print was attached to the cover of Grin and Bear It
(The New East Press, 1917), a book of caricatures by Keith.
[Pilgrim with a Tengu Mask]
Print Date: 1919
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Medium: Woodblock printed book print from
Yume no Furusato (夢のふる郷)
Image courtesy of Scholten Japanese Art
MAY 1920
Plays: Nagori no Hoshi Zukiyo (名残の星月夜); Chiriyuku Hana Sannin
Warai (散花三人笑);
Gozonji Suzu-ga-Mori (御存鈴ヶ森); Shin Natsu Men ( 新七ツ面)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/03/20
Print Date: 05/1920?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Play: Chôgonka (長恨歌)
Performance Place: Naka-za, Osaka
Performance Date: 05/09/20
Print Date: 05/1920?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Play: Chôgonka (長恨歌)
Performance Place: Naka-za, Osaka
Performance Date: 05/09/20
Print Date: 05/1920?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Plays: Ezo no Yoshitsune (蝦夷の義經); Biwa no Nadokoro Yuki no
Kagekiyo (琵琶名所月景清);
Gengobê Oman Imayô Satsuma Uta (源五兵衛おまん今様薩摩歌); Kioi Jishi (勢獅子)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/02/20
Print Date: 10/1920?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
[Jihê's Mask] Jihê no Masuku (治兵衛のマスク)
Play: Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: 1920
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Note: First edition printed by Minatoya.
[Jihê's Mask] Jihê no Masuku (治兵衛のマスク)
Play: Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Original Print Date: 1920
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Note: Second edition printed by Yanagiya (c. 1920s).
MARCH 1921
Plays: Motomezuka Migaeri Nitta (求女塚身替新田); Keisei Hangonkô
(傾城反魂香); Futatsu Chôchô
Kuruwa Nikki (雙蝶々曲輪日記); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の戀); Kotobuki Shiki
Sanbasô (壽式三番叟)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/07/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Seishun no Yume (青春の夢); Daîchi Ninsha (第一人者); Inaka Genji
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/07/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
MAY 1926
[A Study] Shôsaku (習作)
Print Date: 05/1926
Artist: Itô Yoshiteru (伊藤義輝)
Published in Satoporo (さとぽろ), Vol. 2, No. 2 (Issue No. 8)
Image courtesy of
MARCH 1927
[Mask Still Life] Men to Seibutsu (面と静物)
Print Date: 03/18/27
Artist: Itô Yoshiteru (伊藤義輝)
Published in Satoporo (さとぽろ), Vol. 4, No. 2 (Issue No. 16)
Ex Libris Hedda Neuhoff
Print Date: 1930
Artist: Emil Orlik
Medium: Etching in brown
Personal Collection
JUNE 1931
[Masks] Omote (面)
Print Date: 06/28/31
Artist: Kodama Takamura (児玉篁)
Published in Kitsutsuki, Vol. 3 (June 28, 1931)
Image courtesy of
Published in Shin Hanga (新版画), Vol. 7 (January 1, 1933)
Artist: Shiba Hideo (柴 秀夫)
Image courtesy of The Museum of Modern Art,
Kamakura & Hayama
[Masquerade?] Kamen Buyô (假面舞踏)
Published in Shin Hanga (新版画), Vol. 7 (January 1, 1933)
Artist: Shiba Hideo (柴 秀夫)
Image courtesy of The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura & Hayama
APRIL 1933
[Still Life] Seibutsu (静物)
Publication: Shiro to Kuro (白と黒), 第 34 号
Date: 04/01/33
Artist: Ogawa Tatsuhiko (小川龍彦)
MAY 1933
[Chinese Paper Mask] Shina Shimen (支那紙面)
Publication: Shiro to Kuro (白と黒), 第 35 号
Date: 05/01/33
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Masked Dance] Kamen no Odori (仮面の踊)
Publication: Shiro to Kuro (白と黒), 第 39 号
Date: 09/01/33
Artist: Aki Seiichi (安藝蜻一)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print
is in color.
[Mask - Java, Bali]
Kamen (Jaba Barito) (仮面 (ジャババリ島))
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 23 号
Date: 02/01/34
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Image courtesy of Fusô Bunko
[Mask (South Seas Mortlock Island)]
Kamen (Nan'yô Môtorokku Shima) (仮面 (南洋モートロック島))
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 23 号
Date: 02/01/34
Artist: Umehara Yosôji (梅原與惣次)
Image courtesy of Fusô Bunko
MARCH 1934
[Chinese Drama Mask] Shina Geki-men (支那劇面
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 24 号
Date: 03/01/34
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Image courtesy of Samutaimu
[Clay Face (South Seas)] Domen (Nan'yô) (土面 (南洋))
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 24 号
Date: 03/01/34
Artist: Umehara Yosôji (梅原與惣次)
MAY 1934
[Lion Mask]
Toyama no Shishigashira (富山の獅子頭)
Publication: Shiro to Kuro (白と黒), 第 47 号
Date: 05/01/34
Artist: Kobayashi Asaji (小林朝治)
[Ex libris]
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 26 号
Date: 05/01/34
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 34 号
Date: 01/01/35
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Image courtesy of Rokoshobô
[Demon Mask] Kimen (鬼面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 34 号
Date: 01/01/35
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Tengu Mask] Tengu-men (天狗面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 34 号
Date: 01/01/35
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Monkey Mask] Sarumen (猿面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 34 号
Date: 01/01/35
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
MAY 1935
[Lion Mask] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
[Fox Mask] Komen (狐面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Tengu and Sword] Tengu to Naginata (天狗と長刀)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is
in color.
[Earthen Bell] Dorei (土鈴)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
[Ogre Lantern] Oni Chôchin (鬼提灯)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 38 号
Date: 05/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
JUNE 1935
[[Lion Mask] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 39 号
Date: 06/01/34
Artist: Nakata Kazuo (中田一男)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
Mask] Tengu-men (天狗面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 39 号
Nakata Kazuo (中田一男)
Although the image is in black and white, the
print is
in color.
[Fox Mask] Komen (狐面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 39 号
Date: 06/01/34
Artist: Nakata Kazuo (中田一男)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
print is in color.
JULY 1935
[[Lion Mask] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 39 [40] 号
Date: 07/01/34
Artist: Ita Yusei (板祐生)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the
print is in color.
[Shôjô Mask] Shôjô-men ((猩々面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 39 [40] 号
Date: 07/01/34
Artist: Ita Yusei (板祐生)
[Lion Head] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Yûkari (ゆうかり), 第 25 号
Date: 02/18/35
Artist: Mizuno Hiroshi (水野浩)
[[Lion Mask] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 42 [43] 号
Date: 10/01/35
Artist: Enami Shirô (江南史朗)
Medium: Machine printed woodblock print
Personal Collection
[Papier-Mâché Mask] Hariko-men (張子面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 42 [43] 号
Date: 10/01/35
Artist: Enami Shirô (江南史朗)
Medium: Machine printed woodblock print
Personal Collection
[Samurai Mask; Tengu Mask]
Shi-men (士面); Tengu-men (天狗面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 43 [44] 号
Date: 11/01/35
Artist: Fujimoto Tôichiryô (藤本東一良)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,the print is in
[Plain Woman Mask; Hannya Mask]
Okame-men; Hannya-men (おかめ面; 般若面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 43 [44] 号
Date: 11/01/35
Artist: Fujimoto Tôichiryô (藤本東一良)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
[Tengu Mask] Tengu-men (天狗面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 44 [45] 号
Date: 12/01/35
Artist: Katô Tei (加藤悌)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Paper Masks of Ushiwaka-maru and a Black Devil]
Date: 1935
Artist: Tokuriki Tomikichirô (徳力富吉郎)
Image courtesy of
[Paper Mask] Shi-men (紙面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 46 [47] 号
Date: 02/01/36
Artist: Liu Lun? (劉崙)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
MARCH 1936
[Mibu Mask and Okiagari]
Mibu-men to Okiagari (壬生面と起上り)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 47 [48] 号
Date: 03/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: A color image is not available at this time.
[Uzumasa Mask] Uzumasa-men (太秦面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 47 [48] 号
Date: 03/01/36
Artist: Tsukioka Ninkô (月岡忍光)
Note: A color image is not available at this time.
APRIL 1936
[Lion Dance of Sado] Sado no Shishimai (佐度の獅子舞)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 48 [49] 号
Date: 04/01/36
Artist: Kobayashi Asaji (小林朝治)
Note: A color image is not available at this time.
[Idiot (Gourd Mask)] Bakachi (Hisago-men) (バカチ (瓢面))
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 53 号
Date: 08/01/36
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black
and white, the print is in color.
[King Yasha Mask] Yasha-ô Men (夜叉王面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 55 号
Date: 10/01/36
Artist: Katô Tei (加藤悌)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Puppet] Ayatsuri Ningyô (操り人形)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 55 号
Date: 10/01/36
Artist: Katô Tei (加藤悌)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Papier-Maché Heads] Hariko Shutô (張子首頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 55 号
Date: 10/01/36
Artist: Katô Tei (加藤悌)
[Paper Mask] Shimen (紙面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 56 号
Date: 11/01/36
Artist: Minamiya Otohiko (南屋音彦)
Note: Although the image is in black and white,
the print is in color.
[Lion Head] Shishigashira (獅子頭)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 57 号
Date: 12/01/36
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the
print is in color.
[Mountain Goblin] Yama Oni Kouri (山鬼仔売)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 57 号
Date: 12/01/36
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print
is in color.
[Goblin Mask] Ko Oni Ko-men (小鬼仔面)
Publication: Han Geijutsu (版芸術), 第 57 号
Date: 12/01/36
Artist: Ryôji Chômei (料治潮鳴)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the print is in
Vendeur De Masques, Chinois
Print Date: 12/30/40
Artist: Paul Jacoulet
Image courtesy of the USC Pacific Asia Museum
[Mask] Men (面)
[Atoshite: White Beard Deity (The
Tale of the Sheep God)] Atoshite
Shirahige Myōjin (Hitsuji Kamidan)
(後シテ 白髭明神 (羊の神談)
Play: Shirahige (白髭)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: 1943
Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection