[Japanese Magician on the Stage]
Taschenspieler (Japanischer Zauberer auf der Buhne)
Print Date: 1900
Artist: Emill Orlik
Personal Collection
[Japanese Actress] Japanische Schauspielerin
Print Date: 1901
Artist: Emill Orlik
Medium: Soft ground etching with roulette
Personal Collection
Note: See the 1904 entry for the color version.
[Japanese Actress] Japanische Schauspielerin
Print Date: 1904
Artist: Emill Orlik
Medium: Colored soft ground etching
with roulette
Series: Frontispiece to the Aus Japan
Personal Collection (#48/50)
Note: See the 1901 Orlik entry for the
black and white version.
[Female Play] Jyo Shibai (女芝居)
Print Date: 11/10/09
Artist: Ishii Hakutei (石井柏亭)
Published in Hôsun (方寸), Vol. 3, No. 8 (November 10, 1909)
Medium: Lithograph
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Print Date: 1914
Artist: Mortimer Menpes
Medium: Etching and drypoint
Personal Collection
Noh Song and Play [Yō to Nō]
(日用百科全書 より 謡と能)
Play or Film: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: 1915
Artist: Yamanaka Kodô (山中古洞)
Image courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art
[The Flower of the Company)
Ichiza no Hanagata (一座の花形)
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: c. 1916
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Image courtesy of the Yumeji Art Museum
Note: First edition printed by Minatoya.
[The Flower of the Company)
Ichiza no Hanagata (一座の花形)
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Original Image Date: c. 1916
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Medium: Woodblock printed senshafuda
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: It is not known at this time if this
senshafuda was made around the same time
as the print or even during Yumeji's lifetime.
[Female Actress] Onna Yakusha (女役者)
Date: 1921
Artist: Nishiyama Suishô (西山翠嶂)
Image courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art
c. 1922 - 1923
Kabuki Actor with a Sword
Play: Unknown Chikamatsu play
Date: c. 1922-1923
Artist: Yamaguchi Sohei (山口草平)
Series: Dai Chikamatsu Zenshu Furoku Mokuhan
(大近松全集 付録木版)
*Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
[Evening Primrose] Yoimachigusa (宵待草)
Print Date: 1924
Artist: Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二)
Medium: Lithographic sheet music cover
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Note: Senô Gakufu (セノオ楽譜) No. 106
Mayuzumi [Eyebrow Pencil] (眉墨)
Print Date: 01/1928
Artist: Itô Shinsui (伊東深水)
*Image courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art
Note: The subject is presumably an actress or a dancer, as she is
wearing a grip or headband typically used to help hold a wig in
MAY 1930
[Actress] Joyû (女優)
Publication: 版画 [Hanga], 第 5 号
Date: May 20, 1930
Artist: Ôkôchi Nobuhiro (大河内信弘)
Note: Although the image is in black and white, the
print is in color.
[Twelve Hours of the Cinema Actress]
Kinema Joyû Jûnitoki (キネマ女優十二時)
Published in Taishû Hanga (大衆版画),
Vol. 1 (August 1931)
Artist: Kamei Tôbei (亀井藤兵衛)
Personal Collection
[Twelve Hours of the Cinema Actress: 9:30 a.m.]
Eiga Joyû Jûnitoki: Gozen Kyû-jihan
(映画女優十二時 午前九時半)
Published in Taishû Hanga (大衆版画),
Vol. 2 (November 1931)
Artist: Kamei Tôbei (亀井藤兵衛)
Image courtesy of www.kosho-zou-zou.net
? in Gakuya [Backstage] (楽屋)
Print Date: 1932
Artist: Ishii Hakutei (石井柏亭)
Series: Gendai Nyonin Jûnisugata )現代女人十二姿)
[Girl as a Traveling
Tabiyakusha no Ko (旅役者の子)
Published in Han Geijutsu
(版芸術) No. 6 (09/01/32)
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô
Image courtesy of
APRIL 1934
[A Stage] Aru Butai (或る舞台)
Published in Shin Hanga (新版画), Vol. 12 (April 10, 1934)
Artist: Suzuki Takeo (鈴木健夫)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Kuchibeni [Lipstick] (口紅) [Ascribed Title]
Print Date: [December?] 1935
Artist: Kobayakawa Kiyoshi (小早川清)
Personal Collection
Note: The subject is presumably an actress or a dancer, as
she is
wearing a grip or headband typically used to help hold a wig in
place. While the print is undated, it was presumably made
around the same time as the fan print version.
Kuchibeni [Lipstick] (口紅) [Ascribed Title]
Print Date: 12/1935
Artist: Kobayakawa Kiyoshi (小早川清)
Personal Collection
Note: Fan print version.
Samurai Warriors
Print Date: 1938
Artist: Elizabeth O'Neill Verner's
Medium: Drypoint etching
Personal Collection
Note: Verner's Japan diary makes clear that these were
movie actor who posed for her during a filming break.
[Onnagata's Kabuki Dressing Room
aka Preparing for Performance]
Kabuki Gakuya no Onnagata (歌舞伎楽屋の女形)
Print Date: 1948
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Collection of John Fiorillo
[Kabuki Actor] Haiyû (俳優)
Print Date: 1953
Artist: Shinagawa Takumi (品川工)
Image courtesy of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
[Star] Joyû (女優)
Date: 1968
Artist: Ikeda Masuo (池田満寿夫)
Medium: Copperprint (ed. 36)
Image courtesy of Yamada Shoten
Japanisches Theater
Print Date: 1910
Artist: Robert Philippi
Medium: Etching (first state)
Personal Collection
Play: ?
Print Date: 1973
Artist: Yamada Mitsuto
Image Courtesy of the Honolulu Museum of Art
[Theater Entertainer] Geinin (芸人)
Print Date: 1981 (ed. 7)
Medium: Etching
Artist: Hosoya Masayuki (細谷正之)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Woodblock printed book cover
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Woodblock printed book cover
Image courtesy of the Saru Gallery
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Woodblock printed frontispiece
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Unknown
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Woodblock printed book illustration
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
[Nude Woman and Actresses] Rafu to joyû (裸婦と女優)
Print Date: 1984
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (関野準一郎)
Medium: Copperplate etching or engraving
Image courtesy of the British Museum
Note: This was a limited edition book privately published
by Bokuseki-do. None of the prints in this book were
based on actual actresses.
Cabaret Showgirl
Print Date: 1992
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed
ex libris print
Personal Collection
Red Finger
Print Date: ? (ed. 100)
Artist: Hosoya Masayuki (細谷正之)
Medium: Linocut
Image courtesy of the Ren Brown Collection
Note: The seller dates this print to circa 2008.
[Stylish in the Twenties
(attributed title?)]
Play/Film: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Inagaki Tomoo (稲垣知雄)
Courtesy of
Note: It is not clear that
this is a print of an actress.
Nonetheless, it is
reminiscent of silent film actresses
of the 1920s such as Clara
[Beauty in Bunsei Era, 1818 - 1830]
Print Date: ?
Artist: Iwata Sentarô (岩田専太郎)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: A kabuki actor's portrait is said
to be depicted on the woman's
round fan.
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Nobukata (Nobumasa?) (信方)
Medium: Lithograph?
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as Kanpei (勘平)
Play: Chûshingura (忠臣蔵)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Nobukata (Nobumasa?) (信方)
Medium: Lithograph?
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Although it is not clear the time period that Nobukata
was active, it is believed to have been in the 1920s.
that period, Uzaemon XV performed this role in Tokyo at the
Kabuki-za in March 1921, at the Teikoku Gekijô in June 1922,
at the Kabuki-za in February 1927, at the Teikoku Gekijô in
November 1927, and at the Kabuki-za in February 1929.
Jitsukawa Enjaku II (実川延若; 實川延若) as
Igami no Gonta (いがみの権太)
Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (義経千本桜)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Nobukata (Nobumasa?) (信方)
Medium: Lithograph?
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Although it is not clear the time period that Nobukata
was active, it is believed to have been in the 1920s.
that period, Enjaku II performed this role in Tokyo at the
Hôgaku-za in November 1924 and the Asakusa Shochiku-za
in February 1926. However, it could also represent a
performance since the Kyoto printmaker Yoshikawa Kanpô
also designed a print of Enjaku II in this role in 1924
[Theater Scene]
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tomioka Eisen (富岡永洗)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: It is possible that this print was made prior to 1900.
L: ? as ?;
R: ? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tanaka Shikô (田中紫光)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yoshida Eishô (吉田永昇)
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #?
Personal Collection
? as Chinei (智恵内)
Play: Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yoshida Eishô (吉田永昇)
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #?
Personal Collection
Note: There is a related senshafuda design in
Eishô's Undated - Senshafuda Set #3 section.
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: Kyoto?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yoshikawa Kanpô (吉川観方)
Personal Collection
Note: The artist Paul Binnie, from whom I acquired this
believes that this was intended as a fan print, which would
explain why no other surviving copies have been located so
far. He is also of the opinion that the actor depicted is
Nakamura Ganjirô II (中村鴈治郎) as Nakamura Senjaku I
(中村扇雀) and that it is likely that this print was
commissioned by a member of Senjaku I's fan club.
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: I?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yoshikawa Kanpô (吉川観方)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: One source has stated that this print
is by Matusda Seifû and depicts Kataoka
Nizaemon XI (片岡仁左衛門) as
Furuteya Hachirobei (古手屋八郎兵衛) in
the play Sakuratsuba Urami no Samezaya
(櫻鍔根鮫鞘; 桜鍔恨鮫鞘). This, how-
ever is erroneous, and was evidently based
on the fact that the print had been
accompanied by a backing sheet with such
information. That backing sheet can from
Volume 5 of Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao), and
the actual print in that volume is different.
(See the 1915 Seifû prints elsewhere on
this website.)
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Lithograph and etching
Personal Collection (#4/50)
Note: The artist name looks something
like "Utogi."
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
Note: This design also exists as a
woodblock printed senshafuda [Set #5]
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #?
Personal Collection
? as Yakko (奴)
Play: Tomo Yakko (供奴)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #?
Personal Collection
? as Igami no Gonta (いがみの権太)
Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
? as Manno (萬野; 万野)
Play: Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection
? as Musashibo Benkei
Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection
? as Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)
Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana
no Nishikie
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Kamishita
Medium: Woodblock printed
` Personal Collection
Note: Although not signed it
been attributed to Chikamine
stylistically and by the
fact that four
of the eight pochibukuro in
the set
were identical to signed
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Kamishita
Medium: Woodblock printed
` Personal Collection
Note: Although not
signed it has
been attributed to
stylistically and by
the fact that four
of the eight
pochibukuro in the set
were identical to
signed Chikamine
pochibukuro. The
depicted might be Nippon
(日本駄右衛門) in Aoto Zôshi Hana
no Nishikie (青砥稿花紅彩畫).
? as ?
Play: ?
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Kamishita
Medium: Woodblock printed
` Personal Collection
Note: Although not
signed it has
been attributed to
stylistically and by
the fact that four
of the eight
pochibukuro in the set
were identical to
signed Chikamine