PIANO (ピアノ) AND ORGAN (オルガン)


[Piano at Night] Yo no piano (夜のピアノ)

Print Date: 11/10/14
Artist: Fujimori Shizuo (藤森静雄)
Published in Tsukubae (月映), No. 2 (November 10, 1914)
Image courtesy of the Tokyo National Museum of Art



[Piano and Tree] Piano to Ki (ピアノと木)

Print Date: 11/10/14
Artist: Fujimori Shizuo (藤森静雄)
Published in Tsukubae (月映), No. 2 (November 10, 1914)
Image courtesy of the Tokyo National Museum of Art



[Piano in the Evening] Yûgata no piano (夕方のピアノ)

Print Date: 11/10/14
Artist: Fujimori Shizuo (藤森静雄)
Published in Tsukubae (月映), No. 2 (November 10, 1914)
Image courtesy of ViewingJapanesePrints.net


JUNE 1921

Plays: Omoizuma (思い妻)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  06/06/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library


[Piano]  Biano [ビアノ]

Print Date: 07/1923
Artist: Nishida Takeo (西田武雄)
Published in Shi to Hanga (詩と版画), No. 3
Medium: Etching



Concert: [Mr. [Benno] Moiseiwitsch's Grand Piano Concert] Moiseiwitsch-Shi Yôkin Ōensôkai 
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  11/28-29/28
Print Date: 11/1928?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


[Concerto] Koncheruto (コンチェルト)

Publication: Yûkari (ゆうかり), 第 21 号
Date: 09/10/34
Artist: Nakagawa Yûtarô (中川雄太郎)



[Portrait of Yamada Kôsaku]

Print Date: 1938
Artist: Onchi Koshiro (恩地孝四郎)
Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago

Note: Yamada Kôsaku (山田耕筰) was a Japanese pianist and composer.


[In Front of the Piano] Piano no zen (ピアノの前)

Date: 1956
Artist: Sekino Jun'ichirô (石井柏亭)
Image courtesy of DuMouchelles Auctioneers


[Underwater Restaurant] Suichû Ryôtei (水中料亭)

Print Date: 1970
Artist: Kawanishi Yûzaburô (川西祐三郎)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com



Date: 1978 (ed. 130)
Artist: Koiso Ryôhei (小磯良平)
Image courtesy of FujiArts.com


On Stage (A)

Print Date: 1980 (ed. 50)
Artist: Watarai Junsuke (渡會純价)
Medium: Mixed Media
Image courtesy of Artelino.com



Print Date: 2010
Artist: Sano Takao
Image courtesy of Fuji Arts



[Waves of the Danube Waltz]
Donau no Sazanami (ドナウの漣 )

Theater: Takarazuka, Tokyo
Print Date: ?
Artist: Hirai Fusando (平井房人)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Image courtesy of Artelino.com


[Page 92] 92 Pêji (92ページ)
Print Date: ? (ed. 50)
Artist: Hosoya Masayuki (細谷正之)
Medium: Copperplate Etching
Image courtesy of the Yoseido Gallery

Note:  It is not know why the pianist's name (Erik Satie) is written backward.


[Score of Mimoza] Mimoza no Fu (ミモザの譜)

Print Date: ?
Artist: Watarai Junsuke (渡會純价)
Medium: Copperplate Etching (ed. 80)
Image courtesy of the Yoseido Gallery


[Piano Score]  Piano no Fu (ピアノの譜)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Watarai Junsuke (渡會純价)
Medium: Copperplate Etching (ed. 80)
Image courtesy of the Yoseido Gallery



Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock

Ancient Models of Hydraulus

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock
Image courtesy of Gerrish Fine Art

Note: What is shown is the original drawing for this design.
A copy of the finished etching has not as yet been located.

Symphony in Purple and Blue

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock
Image courtesy of the Goldmark Gallery

Note: What is shown is the original drawing for this
design. A copy of the finished etching has not as yet
been located.

Organ Lesson

Print Date: ?
Artist: Elyse Ashe Lord
Medium: Etching with color applied by woodblock