
Musicians [State 1A - Shade]

Print Date:  1925
Personal Collection

Note: Although the print itself is not dated, a 1925 date is what
the British Museum ascribes to its own undated copy.  Some
state of this print was exhibited at the Seventh International
Print Makers Exhibition in Las Angeles in March 1926, so
many authorities date this print to 1926.  However, given the
time needed to submit the print for consideration and
inclusion in the Exhibition, a late 1925 production date would
 seem likely.  That said, it is not currently known if all three
states were made in the course of the same year or over time. 
Color variants are known to exist.

Musicians [State 1A - Sum]

Print Date: 1925
Image courtesy of John Shillito

Musicians (State 2A - Shade)

Print Date: 1925
Image courtesy of John Shillito

Note: The main different between States 1 and 2 is that the
leftmost of the two musicians is looking down, while in the
earlier state the leftmost musician is looking out toward the
viewer and slightly to the right.  Royds also changes the
musician's tunic and turban, as well as the the shape of his
instruments (including the number of its pegs). Other
subtle changes, such as the folds in the man's pants, can
be found.

Musicians (State 2A -Sun)

Print Date: 1925
Image courtesy of John Shillito

Musicians (State 3)

Print Date: 1925
Personal Collection

Note: It is not entirely clear it this is a third state or merely a
color variant.  The fact the certain lines were indistinctly
printed could be due to block wear, uneven baren force
being applied, or insufficient inking of the blocks.  Other
color variants are also known to exist.