Undated Pochibukuro and Senshafuda


        Nakamura Jakuemon III
        (中村雀右衛門) as ?

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Bandô Jusaburô III
        (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎) as
        Issun Tokubê  (一寸徳兵衛)

        Play: Nazo no Obi Chotto Tokubê
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
        Benten Kozô (弁天小僧)

        Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie 
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Kikugorô VI first performed
        this role in Tokyo at the Kabuki-za in
        May 1905.  He would reprise the role
        in Tokyo at the Ichimura-za in April
        1914 and April 1923, at the Meiji-za
        in May 1933, at the Kabuki-za in
        April 1939, and at the Tokyo-za in
        May-June 1946, although never
        opposite Sadanji II.  It is possible that
        one of these productions toured

        Ichikawa Sadanji II
        (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
        Nangô Rikimaru (南郷力丸)

        Play: Aoto Zôshi Hana no Nishikie 
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Sadanji II first performed this
        role in Tokyo at the Hongô-za in
        June 1915.  He would reprise the role
        in Tokyo at the Kabuki-za in April
        1918, October 1925, December 1927,
        and February 1934, though never
        opposite Kikugorô.  It is possible that
        one of these productions toured

        Nakamura Senjaku I (中村扇雀) as ?

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Jitsukawa Enjaku II
        (実川延若; 實川延若) as
        Fukuoka Mitsugi (福岡貢)

        Play: Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection



        ? as ?

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Ichimura Uzaemon XV
         (市村羽左衛門) as
        Omatsuri Sashichi
        (お祭佐七; お祭左七)

        Play: Edo Sodachi Omatsuri Sashichi
        (江戸育御祭佐七; 江戸育お祭左七)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Uzaemon XV performed this
        role seven times between October 1908
        and May 1942.   Presumably one of
        these productions toured Osaka.

        Nakamura Kaisha I (中村魁車) as
        Umegawa (梅川)

        Play: Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection
        Note: Kaisha I performed this role at
        the Naka-za, Osaka, in January 1925.
        However, there is no guarantee that
        this print reflects that particular


        Matsumoto Kôshirô VII
        (松本幸四郎) as
        Musashibô Benkei
        (武藏坊辨慶; 武蔵坊弁慶)

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Kôshirô VII and Sadanji II
        performed their respective roles
        opposite each other four times in
        Tokyo between March 1925 and
        November 1937.  Presumably one of
        these productions toured Osaka.

        Ichikawa Sadanji II
        (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
        Togashi Saemon (富樫左衛門)

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Kôshirô VII and Sadanji II
        performed their respective roles
        opposite each other four times in
        Tokyo between March 1925 and
        November 1937.  Presumably one of
        these productions toured Osaka.

        Nakamura Fukusuke IV  (中村福助)
        as ?

        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Wrapper for Ganjirô Tôri
        Kyogen Nigaoe Jû-shu
        Part 1 Series
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Kajiwara Heizo Kagetoki
        Play: Kajiwara Heizô Homare
        no Ishikiri (梶原平三誉石切)
        Performance Place: Osaka
        Kabuki-za, Osaka
        Performance Date: 06/1934
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Image courtesy of Serge

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Miuranosuke (三浦之助)
        Play: Kamakura Sandaiki
        Performance Place: Minami-
        za, Toyko
        Performance Date: 12/01/34
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Image courtesy of Serge

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Nan Yohe (南与兵衛)
        Play: Futatsu Chôchô
        Kuruwa Nikki
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Image courtesy of Serge
        Note: Ganjirô I performed
        this role in Toyko at the
        Kabuki-za in October 1906,
        at the Shintomi-za in March
        1918, at the Kabuki-za in
        March 1927, and at the
        Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijô in
        July 1936.

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Ôboshi Yuranosuke
        Play: Kanadehon
        Chûshingura (假名手本忠臣蔵;
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Image courtesy of Serge
        Note: Ganjirô I first portrayed
        Kamiya Jihê in Tokyo at the
        Kabuki-za in October 1906. 
        He reprised the role at the
        Shintomi-za in May 1911 and
        October 1916, and at the
        Kabuki-za in April 1917.

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Kameya Chûbē
        (亀屋忠兵衛; 龜屋忠兵衛)
        Play: Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Image courtesy of Serge
        Note: Ganjirô I performed
        this role in Toyko at the Kabuki-
        za in October 1909, at the
        Shintomi-za in May 1915, and
        at the Kabuki-za in November
        1926 and November 1931.

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Wan'ya Kyûbê

        Play: Wankyû Sue no
        Matsuyama (椀久末松山)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection

        Note: Ganjirô I performed
        this role in Tokyo at the
        Shintomi-za in February
        1913 and November 1920,
        and at the Kabuki-za in
        May 1928 (and presumably
        multiple times in Osaka as

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Sasaki Moritsuna

        Play: Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection

        Note: Ganjirô I performed this
        role in Tokyo four times
        between May 1890 and May
        1928 (and presumably
        multiple times in Osaka as

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Kamiya Jihê (紙屋治兵衛)

        Play: Shinjû Ten no Amijima
        (心中天網嶋; 心中天網島)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection

        Note: Ganjirô I played the role
        of Kamiya Jihei dozens of times
        between  at least 1886 and

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as ? as ?

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as ?

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Series: Ganjirô Tôri Kyogen
        Nigaoe Jû-shu Part 1
        似顔絵十種 其一)
        Personal Collection


        Play:  ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: This pochibukuro was
        pasted in an album between the
        preceding series and the following
        set of actors.  Presumably, it came
        with the pochibukuro in one or the
        other set, though it is possible that
        it belongs to neither set.

        ? as Kitsune Tadanobu (狐忠信)

        Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Oshimodoshi (押戻)

        Play: Musume Dôjôji
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Otomi (おとみ)

        Play: Yowa Nasake Ukina no
        Yokogushi  (与話情浮名横櫛)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Togashi Saemon

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Musashibô Benkei
        (武藏坊辨慶; 武蔵坊弁慶)

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Kirare Yosaburô

        Play: Yowa Nasake Ukina no
        Yokogushi  (与話情浮名横櫛)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

          ? as Omatsuri Sashichi
        (お祭佐七; お祭左七)

         Play: Edo Sodachi Omatsuri
         Sashichi (江戸育御祭佐七;
         Performance Place: ?
         Performance Date: ?
         Print Date: ?
         Medium: Woodblock printed
         Personal Collection

        ? as Marubashi Chûya

        Play: Hanashôbu Keian Jikki
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Matsudaira Izu-no-Kami

        Play: Hanashôbu Keian Jikki
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Musashibô Benkei
        (武藏坊辨慶; 武蔵坊弁慶)

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Yoshitsune (義経)

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Togashi Saemon

        Play: Kanjinchô (勧進帳)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Shirabyôshi Hanako

        Play: Musume Dôjôji (道成寺)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Nakamura Ganjirô I
        (中村鴈治郎) as
        Tôjûrô (藤十郎)

        Play: Tôjûrô no Koi
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection
        Note: Ganjirô I performed
        this role in Tokyo at the
        Shintomi-za in March-April
        1921 and at the Kabuki-za
        in April 1928.  Presumably
        one of those productions
        toured in Osaka.

       Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎)
       as Ôtomo Kuronushi (大伴黒主)
       Play:  Tsumoru Koi Yuki no Seki
       no To (積恋雪関扉; 積戀雪關扉)
       Performance Place: ?
       Performance Date: ?
       Print Date: ?
       Medium: Woodblock printed
       Personal Collection

        Note: Kikugorô VI performed
        this role five times in Tokyo
        between March 1913 and May
        1937.  Presumably one of those
        productions toured in Osaka.


        Kataoka Nizaemon XI or XII
        (片岡仁左衛門) as
        Fujiya Izaemon

        Play: Kuruwa Bunshô
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Nizaemon XI performed
        this role four times in Tokyo
        between February 1906 and
        November 1922.  Nizaemon XII
        performed this role n Tokyo in
        February 1942.  Presumably one
        of those productions toured in

        Ichikawa Sadanji II
        (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
        Marubashi Chûya (丸橋忠彌)

        Play: Hanashôbu Keian Jikki
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Sadanji II performed
        this role eleven times in Tokyo
        between September 1939 and
        October 1938.  Presumably
        one of those productions toured
        in Osaka.

        Nakamura Fukusuke IV
        (中村福助) as Okaji (お梶)

        Play: Tôjûrô no Koi
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection
        Okaji is a character in a
        number of plays, but is most
        likely the character in Tôjûrô
        no Koi (藤十郎の恋). 
        Fukusuke IV performed this
        role in Tokyo at the Shintomi-
        za in March-April 1921 and at
        the Kabuki-zain April 1928. 
        Presumably one of those
        productions toured in Osaka.

        Ichimura Uzaemon XV
        (市村羽左衛門) as
        Tatsugorô (辰五郎)

        Play: Kami no Megumi Wagô
         no Torikumi
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Uzaemon XV performed
        this role seven times in Tokyo
        between January 1911 and
        January 1941.  Presumably
        one of those productions toured
        in Osaka.

        Kataoka Gadô IV (片岡我童)
        as Kyô Ningyô  (京人形)

        Play: Kyô Ningyô (京人形)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Note: Gadô IV performed
        this role at least twice in
        Tokyo, at the Kabuki-za in
        November 1916 and at the
        Teikoku Gekijô  in December
        1919.  It is possible that one
        of those productions toured

        Jitsukawa Enjaku II
        (実川延若; 實川延若) as
        Chienai (智恵内)

        Play: Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku
        no Maki (鬼一法眼三略巻)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Nakamura Senjaku I (中村扇雀)
        as Abe no Yasuna (安倍保名)

         Play: Yasuna (保名)
         Performance Place: ?
         Performance Date: ?
         Print Date: ?
         Medium: Woodblock printed
         Personal Collection

        Bandô Jusaburô III
        (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎)
         as ?

         Play:  ?
         Performance Place: ?
         Performance Date: ?
         Print Date: ?
         Medium: Woodblock printed
         Personal Collection




        Play(s): ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Kumadori ((隈取)

        Play(s): ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Note: Some of these pochibukuro are similar to those made in a
        larger size circa 1925-1926.  See the Sadanobu III entry for that
        year for details about the various makeups.

        Kumadori ((隈取)

        Play(s): ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Note: Some of these pochibukuro are similar to those made in a
        larger size circa 1925-1926.  See the Sadanobu III entry for that
        year for details about the various makeups.

       Kumadori ((隈取)

        Play(s): ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Note: Some of these pochibukuro are similar to those made in a
        larger size circa 1925-1926.  See the Sadanobu III entry for that
        year for details about the various makeups.


        ? as
        Inukai Genpachi Nobumichi

        Play: Nansô Satomi
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Image courtesy of

        Shôki (鍾馗)

        Play: ?
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed matchbook
        Image courtesy of

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Kataoka Nizaemon XI or XII
        (片岡仁左衛門);; Kataoka Gadô IV (片岡我童); Bandô
        Jusaburô III (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎); Nakamura
        Fukusuke IV  (中村福助)

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Nakamura Kaisha I (中村魁車);
        Nakamura Kaisha I (中村魁車); Nakamura Senjaku I
        (中村扇雀); ?.

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Jitsukawa Enjaku II (実川延若;
        實川延若); Bandô Jusaburô III (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎);
        Matsumoto Kôshirô VII (松本幸四郎); Ichimura Uzaemon
        XV (市村羽左衛門)

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Jitsukawa Enjaku II (実川延若;
        實川延若); Nakamura Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門);
        Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) ; ?

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Nakamura Ganjirô I (中村鴈治郎);
        Nakamura Ganjirô I (中村鴈治郎); Nakamura Fukusuke IV
        (中村福助); Ichikawa Sadanji III (市川左団次; 市川左團次)

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Sawamura Sôjûrô VII (沢村宗十郎;
        澤村宗十郎); Nakamura Jakuemon III (中村雀右衛門);
        Ichikawa Sadanji III (市川左団次; 市川左團次; Nakamura
        Kaisha I (中村魁車).

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Nakamura Kaisha I (中村魁車);
        Ichikawa Sadanji III  (市川左団次; 市川左團次); Jitsukawa
        Enjaku II (実川延若; 實川延若);  Nakamura Fukusuke IV

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Four pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Kataoka Gadô IV (片岡我童);
        Bandô Jusaburô III (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎); Nakamura
        Ganjirô I (中村鴈治郎); Nakamura Jakuemon III

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Five pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Matsumoto Kôshirô VII
        (松本幸四郎); Kataoka Nizaemon XI or XII (片岡仁左衛門);
        Onoe Baikô VI (尾上梅幸); Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎);
        Ichikawa Sadanji II (市川左団次; 市川左團次)

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Five pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown  above: Nakamura Jakuemon III
        (中村雀右衛門); Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門);
        Sawamura Sôjûrô VII (沢村宗十郎; 澤村宗十郎);
        Nakamura Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門); Nakamura
        Utaemon V (中村歌右衛門)

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Five pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: ?; Kataoka Gadô IV (片岡我童);
        Nakamura Fukusuke IV  (中村福助); Ichikawa Sadanji III
        (市川左団次; 市川左團次); Nakamura Senjaku I (中村扇雀) 

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Five pochibukuro, possibly reverse sides of some of the actor
        pochibukuro shown above: Nakamura Kaisha I (中村魁車);
        Bandô Jusaburô III (坂東寿三郎; 坂東壽三郎); ?; Nakamura
        Ganjirô I (中村鴈治郎); Jitsukawa Enjaku II (実川延若;

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro


        Meiyû Nigao Goshûgi Tsutsumi (名優似顔御祝儀包),
        wrapper for some of the actor pochibukuro shown above

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro


        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro

        Michiyuki Koi Sandogasa (道行戀三度笠), Wrapper for
        some of the actor pochibukuro shown above

        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed pochibukuro


        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed

        Kamiya Jihê (紙屋治兵衛)

        Kinokuniya Koharu (紀の国屋小春)

        Tanaka Magoemon (多奈孫右衛門)

        Play: Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed senshafuda
        Print Date: ?
        Note: Color images are not currently available.

        ? as Kitsune Tadanobu (狐忠信)

        Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        ? as Soga Gorô Tokimune

        Play: Yae Kokonoe Hana no
        Sugatae  (八重九重花姿繪)
        Performance Place: ?
        Performance Date: ?
        Print Date: ?
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Wrapper for Kumadori Zoroi

        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection


        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Hanakawado Sukeroku

        Play: Sukeroku Yukari no Edo
        Zakura (助六由縁江戸桜;
        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Kitsune Tadanobu (狐忠信)

        Play: Yoshitsune Senbon
        Zakura (義経千本桜)
        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Tsuchigumo no Sei
        Play: Tsuchigumo (土蜘)
        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

        Kugeaku Tokihei (公家悪時平)

        Play: Sugawara Denju Tenarai
        Kagami (菅原傳授手習鑑)
        Print Date: ?
        Series: Kumadori Soroi
        Medium: Woodblock printed
        Personal Collection

         Kamakura Gongorô
         Kagemasa (鎌倉権五郎景政)

         Play:  Shibaraku (暫)
         Print Date: ?
         Series: Kumadori Soroi
         Medium: Woodblock printed
         Personal Collection