[Portrait of Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) ]
[Yoshichô [District] Geisha Yakko]
Yoshichô Geigi Yakko (葭町芸妓やっこ)
Print Date: 04/09/88
Artist: Watanabe Tadahisa (渡辺忠久)
Medium: Hand-colored Lithograph
Personal Collection
[Portrait of Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) ]
[Yoshichô [District] Geisha Yakko]
Yoshichô Geigi Yakko (葭町芸妓やっこ)
Print Date: 04/09/88
Artist: Watanabe Tadahisa (渡辺忠久)
Medium: Hand-colored Lithograph
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial
Theater Museum
Color variant
MARCH 1900
Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎)
as Nagoya Sanza (名古屋山三)
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Berkeley Lyceum Theatre, New York City
Performance Date: March 1900
Print Date: 1901
Artist: Utagawa Yoshiiku (歌川芳幾)
Personal Collection
Note: This was a play based in part on Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji
(京鹿子娘道成寺) which Sadayakko
performed in the United States and in Europe between September
1899 and November 1900.
Presumably, this print was made to commemorate her
performance abroad and/or as a souvenir for
purchase during her upcoming second European tour, which lasted
from from June 1901 to July 1902.
Sadayakko and her husband Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎) would
eventually perform a version of this
play in Tokyo at the Meiji-za in June 1909 under the title Geisha
to Bushi (芸者と武士). The print is
based on a photograph by Joseph Byron of the final act of The
Geisha and The Knight performed at the
Berkeley Lyceum Theatre in New York City in March 1900. It
was likely made at the same time as
Yoshiiku's May 1901 portrait of Sadayakko.
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Print Date: 05/11/01
Artist: Utagawa Yoshiiku (歌川芳幾)
Personal Collection
Note: This was a play based in part on Kyôganoko Musume Dôjôji
(京鹿子娘道成寺). Sadayakko performed The Geisha and the Knight
in the United States and in Europe between September 1899 and
November 1900. Presumably, this print was made to
her performance abroad and/or as a souvenir for purchase during
upcoming second European tour, which lasted from June 1901 to July
1902. Sadayakko and her husband Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎)
would eventually perform a version of this play in Tokyo at the
in June 1909 under the title Geisha to Bushi (芸者と武士). The
is based on a photograph by the French photographer Paul Nadar
that was used as a color cliché cover for the October 2, 1900 of
Théâtre magazine.
Mort de la Geisha
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城) and
Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎) as
Nagoya Sanza (名古屋山三)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Print Date: 1900
Artist: Pierre-Georges Jeanniot
Medium: Etching
Personal Collection
Mort de la Geisha
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城) and
Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎) as
Nagoya Sanza (名古屋山三)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Print Date: 1900
Artist: Pierre-Georges Jeanniot
Medium: Etching
Personal Collection
Note: This appears to be a different (perhaps final?) state.
Mort de la Geisha
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城) and
Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎) as
Nagoya Sanza (名古屋山三)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Published in Les Musiques Bizarres a l'Exposition
de 1900 by Judith Gautier (1900)
Artist: Pierre-Georges Jeanniot
Medium: Colored lithograph book cover
Personal Collection
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴)
aka Sada Yacco
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Date: 1900
Artist: Alfredo Müller
Medium: Lithographic poster
Image Courtesy of the Kyoto Institute of
Sada Yacco, L’Etoile Japonaise
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Published in La Rire #306 (September 15, 1900)
Artist: Leonetto Cappiello
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection
A L'Exposition: Kawakami et Sada-Yacco au Théatre de la Loie
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Kawakami Otojirô (川上音二郎) as Nagoya Sanza (名古屋山三)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de la Loie Fuller, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 07/04/00 - 11/03/00
Published in La Rire #310 (October 13, 1900)
Artist: Charles Lucien Léandre
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection
c. JUNE - AUGUST 1901
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Criterion Theatre, London
(transferred to the Shaftsbury Theatre on 07/16/01)
Performance Dates: in repertory 06/18/01 - 08/07/01
Print Date: 1902
Artist: William Nicholson
Medium: Hand-colored woodblock print
Image courtesy of the Fitzwilliam Museum
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Criterion Theatre, London
(transferred to the Shaftsbury Theatre on 07/16/01)
Performance Dates: in repertory 06/18/01 - 08/07/01
Print Date: 1902
Artist: William Nicholson
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴) as
Keisei Katsuragi (傾城葛城)
Play: The Geisha and The Knight
Performance Place: Théatre de l'Athénée, Paris
Performance Dates: in repertory 09/14//01 - 11/08/01
Print Date: 1901
Artist: Raymond Tournon
Medium: Lithographic poster
Personal Collection
[Ophelia] Orie (おりえ)
Play: Hamuretto [Hamlet] (ハムレット)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/02/03
Print Date: 10/05/03
Artist: Kaburagi Kiyokata (鏑木清方)
Medium: Lithographic kuchi-e in the Hamuretto script published in
October 1903
Personal Collection
Note: Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) played Orie in the 1903
Hongô-za priemiere production of Hamuretto.
Kawakami Sadayakko ((川上貞奴)
as Oriyé [Ophelia]
Play: [Hamlet] Hamuretto
Performance Place: Hongô-za,
Performance Date: 11/02/1903
Print Date: 04/20/2020
Artist: Jenna Manders-Wilde
Medium: Linocut reduction
Personal Collection (#5/8)
Note: Although Sadayakko is
not specifically referenced,
the artist has publicly
stated that she based this print on a
photograph of Sadayakko as
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as
[Salome] Sarome (サロメ)
Play: [Salome] Sarome (サロメ)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/08/15
Print Date: 05/1915?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed banzuke
Personal Collection
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as [Salome] Sarome (サロメ)
Kawai Takeo (河合武雄; 河合武夫) as [Queen Herodias] Ôhi Herododasu
Play: [Salome] Sarome (サロメ)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/08/15
Print Date: 05/1915?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph banzuke
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Version that includes billing for Kawai Takeo.
Plays: Meguro Kôdan (目黒巷談); Sarome [Salome] (サロメ); Okuni to Sanza
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/08/15
Print Date: 05/1915?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as
Arutesu [Artemis] Ôjyo (アルテス王女)
Play: Ikusagami (軍神)
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/06/15
Print Date: 10/01/15
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Publication: Yakusha-e (Shin Nigao)
(新似顔), Vol. 4
Personal Collection
Note: Another reading of "軍神" is Gunshin.
I used the "Ikusagami" reading because
that it what the database at the Ritsumeikan
University's Art Research Center uses.
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as
Arutesu [Artemis] Ôjyo (アルテス王女)
Play: Ikusagami (軍神)
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/06/15
Print Date: 10/01/15=
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Kawakami Sadayakko (川上貞奴) as
Arutesu [Artemis] Ôjyo (アルテス王女)
Play: Ikusagami (軍神)
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/06/15
Print Date: 10/01/15
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Version that includes more prominent billing for Kawakami