
Nakamura Kichiemon I Portrait (中村吉右衛門像)
Background: Segawa Tomisaburô II (瀬川富三郎) as
Yadogiri (やどり木)

Play: Hana Ayame Bunroku Soga (花菖蒲文禄曽我)
Performance Date:  05/1794
Performance Place: Miyakoza, Tokyo
Print Date:  1947
*Image courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Art

Note: The image of Tomisaburô II as Yadogiri is the reverse
of the print by Sharaku.

[[Yoshida] Bungorô in the Dressing Room
[aka Yoshida Bungorô in the Green Room]
Gakuya no Bungorô-zô (楽屋 の[吉田]文五郎像)

Play: ?
Print Date:  1947
*Personal Collection
Note: This is an early, pre-edition state with Zyun Sekino signature.