
For other Matsukaze-murasamemono, see Matsukaze (松風村雨束帯鑑), Matsukaze Murasame Sokutai
Kagami (松風村雨束帯鑑)
, Suma no Utsushi-e( 須磨の写絵), and Yamatogana Ariwara Keizu (倭假名在原系図).

c. 1932-1933

Play: Matsukaze (松風) or Shiokumi (汐汲)
Print Date: c. 1932-1933
Series: [One Hundred Songs Illustrated]
Uta-e Hyakuban (歌絵百)
Music Style: ?
Artist: Kojima Gyokuhô (児嶋玉鳳)
Image courtesy of

JUNE 1943

Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
[Matsukaze (松風)]?

Play: Shiokumi (汐汲)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/02/43
Print Date: 1949
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Kikugorô Buyo Sugata [Kikugorô’s Dance Appearances]
Personal Collection

Note:  Kikugorô VI first performed in Shiokumi in Tokyo at the
Ichimura-za in May 1923.  He reprised his role in Tokyo at the
Shintomi-za in September 1926 and May 1928, at the Tokyo
Gekijô in April 1932, and at the Kabuki-za in December 1936. 
Although his appearance at the Kabuki-za in June 1943 was
his last appearance in this role in Tokyo, it is possible that this
print depicts Kikugorô VI in one of these other productions.


Onoe Baikô VII (尾上梅幸) as
Ama Karumo (蜑刈藻)

Play:  Shiokumi (汐汲)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/1953
Print Date: 11/1957
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Medium: Hand-colored keyblock print (版画源画)
Personal Collection

Note: Baikô VII previously performed this role in
Tokyo at the Shinbashi Enbujô in June 1949 and
in July 1951.  It is possible that this print reflects
one of those performances.  He also performed
the role outside of Tokyo as late as April 1956
at the Misono-za in Nagoya.


Nakamura Utaemon VI (中村歌右衛門) as
Ama (蜑)

Play: Shiokumi (汐汲)
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/03/57
Print Date: 08/1957 or later
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Medium: Hand-colored keyblock print (版画源画)
Personal Collection

Note: A similar but more detailed version of this
design is shown in the 2002 and 1991 Shunsen
catalogs (and appears to be a painting, not hanga-


[Matsukaze (松風)] Shiokumi (汐汲)
Play: Shiokumi (汐汲)
Print Date: 1986
Artist: Takahashi Hiromitsu (髙橋宏光)
Medium: Kappazuri (ed. ?)
Image courtesy of Galerie Shinkura

MAY 1993

? as ?

Play: ?
Performance Place: Kanamaru-za, Kotohira
Performance Dates: May 7-21, 1993
Print Date: 1993
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine printed poster
Personal Collection

Note: The programs were made up of Natsu Matsuri Naniwa
Kagami (夏祭浪花鑑), Ukare Bôzu (浮かれ坊主), Shiokumi
(汐汲), Sakanaya Sôgorô (魚屋宗五郎) [second part of Shin
Sarayashiki Tsuki no Amagasa (新皿屋舗月雨暈)], and
Takatsuki (高杯).  It starred Nakamura Tomijûrô V (中村富十郎),
Sawamura Tôjûrô II (沢村藤十郎;  澤村藤十郎), Nakamura
Kankurô V (中村勘九郎),  Nakamura Tomotarô (中村智太郎),
Nakamura Hirotarô (中村浩太郎), Nakamura Hashinosuke III
(中村橋之助), Bandô Kichiya II (坂東吉弥; 坂東吉彌), and
Ichikawa Otora VI (市川男寅).


[Dipping Brine]
Matsukaze (松風)

Play:  Shiokumi (汐汲)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Mori Yoshitoshi (森義利)
Medium: Stencil print (ed. ?)

Matsukaze (松風)]

Play: Shiokumi (汐汲)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Hasegawa Sadanobu III (長谷川貞信)
Image courtesy of