(瀧の白糸; 滝の白糸)
MAY 1938
Ichikawa Kôbai I (市川紅梅) as
Konatsu (小夏)
Play: Taki no Shiraito (滝の白糸)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/1938
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yamamoto Hisashi (山本ひさし)
Series: Shinpa Haiyû Gakuya Kagami (新派俳優楽屋鏡)
Medium: Woodblock printed senshafuda
Personal Collection
Note: Kôbai I also performed this role in a May 1938
production at Asakusa Kokusai Gekijôin Tokyo. I
cannot rule out the possibility that this print reflects that
earlier performance.
[Water Magic] Mizugei (水芸)
Print Date: 1950
Artist: Kawanishi Hide (川西英)
Image courtesy of Chris Walther
Note: This print is likely outside the scope of this
website. However, there is a well-known play called
Taki no Shiraito (瀧の白糸; 滝の白糸), in which the
titular character is a female water magician. The
story was also filmed several times. It is possible
that this print is based on one of those stage
productions or films. For example, there was a
production of Taki no Shiraito at the Kabuki-za in
Osaka in September 1948 and at the Misono-za in
Nagoya in April 1949, and potentially other
productions outside of Tokyo during the 1948-
1950 time period.
Hanayagi Shôtarô (花柳章太郎) as
Shiraito (白糸)
Play: Taki no Shiraito (滝の白糸)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/1951
Print Date: 1955?
Artist: Ota Gatô (太田雅光)
Series: Gendai Butai Geika (現代舞台芸花) (#11)
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Shôtarô first played the role of Shiraito in this play in
Tokyo at the Tokyo Gekijô in August 1933. Although
Shôtarô's last Tokyo appearance in this role before the
publication date of the print was in August 1951, it is
possible that Gakô based this print on one of Shôtarô's
prior performances.
Hanayagi Yoshiaki (花柳喜章) as
Murakoshi Kin'ya (村越欣弥)
Play: Taki no Shiraito (滝の白糸)
Print Date: ?
Artist: Yamamoto Hisashi (山本ひさし)
Series: Shinpa Haiyû Gakuya Kagami (新派俳優楽屋鏡)
Medium: Woodblock printed senshafuda
Personal Collection
Note: Yoshiaki performed this role at the Higashiyoko
Gekijô, Tokyo, in April 1966, and possibly at other