Gigaku Kijin (伎楽鬼神)
[Young Boy Buried Alive]
Shônen wa Ikite Maisô sa reta
Play: Tanikô (谷行)
Print Date: 04/20/02
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue
(能楽図絵) [#253]
Image courtesy of the Library of
Università Pontificia Salesiana
Gigaku Kijin (伎楽鬼神)
[Young Boy Buried Alive]
Shônen wa Ikite Maisô sa reta (少年は生きて埋葬された)
Play: Tanikô (谷行)
Print Date: 12/25/25
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [A Great Mirror of Nô Pictures]
Nôga Taikan (能画大鑑), Vol. 3, #39
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh