
[Ghost of Princess Shikishi]
Shikishi Naishin'nô no Bôrei (式子内親王の亡霊)

Play: Teika (定家)
Print Date: 02/10/98
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [Picture of Noh Plays] Nôgaku Zue (能楽図絵) [#38]
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh


Princess Shikishi
Shikishi Naishin'nô (式子内親王)

Play: Teika (定家)
Print Date: 09/1924
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [One Hundred Nô Plays]
Nôgaku Hyakuban (能楽百番) [#48]
*Image courtesy of the Art Research Center,
Ritsumeikan University


[Ghost of Princess Shikishi]
Shikishi Naishin'nô no Bôrei (式子内親王の亡霊)

Play: Teika (定家)
Print Date: 1926
Artist: Tsukioka Kôgyo (月岡耕漁)
Series: [A Great Mirror of Nô Pictures] Nôga Taikan (能画大鑑), Vol. 4, #23
Image courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh