
aka TENGAJAYA (下茶屋)

MARCH 1910

Plays: Tengajaya (天下茶屋); Kokusen'ya Gassen (国姓爺合戦); Rokkasen (六歌仙)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/01/10
Print Date: 03/02/10
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

JULY 1914

Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)
Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/10/14
Print Date: 11/14/14
Artist: Yoshida Eishô (吉田永昇)
Series: [Kabuki Portraits Set #1]
Personal Collection


Nakamura Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門) as
Ningyôya Kôemon (人形屋幸右衛門)
Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/10/14
Print Date: 11/14/14
Artist: Yoshida Eishô (吉田永昇)
Series: [Kabuki Portraits Set #1]
Personal Collection


Ichikawa Ennosuke II (市川猿之助) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/01/16
Print Date: 01/1916?
Artist: ?
Medium: Woodblock printed postcard
Personal Collection


MAY 1925

Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/1925
Print Date: 05/1925?
Artist: Miyake Hanayama (三宅花山)
Medium: Lithograph
Personal Collection


Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/03/25
Print Date: 1925
Artist: Natori Shunsen (名取春仙)
Series: Sôsaku Hanga: Shunsen Nigao-e Shû
(創作版画 春仙似顔集) (#2)
Personal Collection

Note: Uzaemon XV first played the role of Motoemon in
Tokyo at the Kabuki-za in July 1914.  Prior to his 1925
performance, he also performed this role at the Ichimura-za
in October 1919.  Depending on the precise publication date
of this print, it is possible that Shunsen modeled this print
after Kikugorô VI's 1914 or 1919 performances.

Onoe Kikugorô VI ( 尾上菊五郎) as Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/1925
Print Date: 1926
Artist: Shin'ei (新栄; 新榮)
Series: Nigao-e (似顔絵), No. 3

Note: Without the original folder, the information for  this listing is subject to
revision.  However, this portrait closely resembles a bromide of Kikugorô VI
in the 1925 Shinbashi production.

Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎)
as Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: Shinbashi Enbujô,
Performance Date: 05/03/25
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tanaka Shikô (田中紫光)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection


L: Morita Kan'ya XIII (守田勘弥;
守田勘彌) as Komatsuya Sôshichi
R: Onoe Kikugorô VI (尾上菊五郎)
as Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: L: Hakata Kojorô Nami
Makura (博多小女郎浪枕);
R: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura
Performance Place: L: ?;
R: Shinbashi Enbujô, Tokyo
Performance Date: L: ?; R: 05/03/25
Print Date: ?
Artist: Tanaka Shikô (田中紫光)
Medium: Woodblock printed
Personal Collection

Note: I have found a record of Kan'ya
XIII performing the role of
Komatsuya Sôshichi at the Teikoku
Gekijô in in April 1928, but this seems
to be too late in time given some of the
other performance dates for other
senshafuda in this series.


Nakamura Kichiemon I (中村吉右衛門) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)
Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/03/26
Artist: ?
Publication Date: 1927



? as ?

Play: ?
Performance Place: Mitsukoshi Gekijô, Tokyo           
Performance Date: 09/1948
Print Date: 09/1948?
Artist: Sasajima Kihei (笹島喜平)
Series: Mitsukoshi Kabuki Hanga (三越歌舞伎版画)
Medium: Woodblock print with hand-applied color on verso
Image courtesy of MyJapaneseHanga.com

Note: The plays and dances on the September 1948 bill at
the Mitsukoshi Gekijô were Daiganjôju Tengajaya-mura
(大願成就天下茶屋聚); Sarutori (さる酉; 申酉);
Karigane (雁がね; 雁金); Tonbi Yakko (とんび奴; 鳶奴);
and Ryogoku no Aki (兩國の秋).  The print most likely
depicts Onoe Shoroku II ( 尾上松緑) as Adachi
Motouemon (安達元右衛門) in Daiganjôju Tengajaya-

            Ichikawa Omezô IV (市川男女蔵) as
            Hayase Iori (早瀬伊織)
            Play: Daiganjôju Tengajaya-mura (大願成就天下茶屋聚)
            Performance Place: Mitsukoshi Gekijô, Tokyo
            Performance Date: 09/1948
            Print Date: 09/1948?
            Artist: Sasajima Kihei (笹島喜平)
            Series: Mitsukoshi Kabuki Hanga (三越歌舞伎版画)
            Image courtesy of MyJapaneseHanga.com


Ichikawa Kamejirô II (市川亀治郎; 市川龜治郎) as  
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Katakiuchi Tengajaya-mura (敵討天下茶屋聚)
Performance Place: Asakusa Kôkaidô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/02/12
Print Date: 2012
Artist: Tachihara Inuki (立原位貫)
Personal Collection (#42/100)



Onoe Usaburô II (尾上卯三郎) as
Adachi Motoemon (安達元右衛門)

Play: Tengajaya (天下茶屋)
Performance Place: ?
Performance Date: ?
Print Date: ?
Artist: Mizushima Nihofu (水島爾保布)
Publication: Nigao-e (似顔繪), #1
Personal Collection