Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Inaba Kôzô (稲葉幸蔵)
Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Tamamo-no-Mae (玉藻前)
Plays: Zôho Tamamo-no-Mae (増補玉藻前); Nezumi Komon Harugi no Hinagata (鼠小紋春着雛形);
Noriaibune Ehô Manzai (乗合船恵方万歳)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/13/01
Print Date: 01/15/01
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Ichikawa Kudanji II (市川九團次) as
Kanakubo Tarô (金窪太郎)
Ichikawa Kodanji V (市川小團次) as
Wada Shirô Yoshinao (和田四郎義直)
Ichikawa Sadanji I (市川左團次) as 
Asahina Saburô (朝比奈三郎)
Ichikawa Yonezô IV.5 (市川米蔵) as
Wada Gorô Yoshishige (和田五郎義重)
Play: Wada Gassen Seichû-roku (和田合戦誠忠録)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/05/01
Print Date: 05/05/01
Image courtesy of the Shochiku Otani Library






Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Fujii Montayû (藤井紋太夫)
Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Mito Kômon (水戸黄門)
Plays: Zokusetsu Bidan Kômonki (俗説美談黄門記); Daitokuji Shôkô (大徳寺焼香);
Enmusubi'ya Hagino Tawamure (縁結矢矧戯)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/20/01
Print Date: 03/20/01
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Ichikawa Sadanji I (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
Kazama Hachirô (風間八郎)
Ichikawa Sadanji I (市川左団次; 市川左團次) as
Ryôshi Namishichi (漁師浪七)
Plays: Sekai no Hana Oguri Gaiden  (世界花小栗外伝); Sato no Haregi Momiji no Uchikake
(廟晴衣紅葉裲掛); Hana no Yuki Tsumoru Kurigoto (花雪積悔言)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/19/01
Print Date: 04/19/01
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Onoe Kikugorô V (尾上菊五郎) as
Komatsuya Sôshichi (小松屋惣七)
Ichikawa Danjûrô IX (市川団十郎; 市川團十郎) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門)
Plays: Kanbashiya Gishi no Homare  (芳哉義士誉); Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi  (恋港博多諷);
Kotobuki Utsubo Zaru (寿靭猿)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/06/01
Print Date: 10/06/01
Medium: Woodblock printed sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum