Ichikawa Chûsha VII (市川中車) as
Fukashichi (鱶七)
Play: Imoseyama Onna Teikin (妹背山婦女庭訓)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/05/21
Print Date: 01/1921?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This print is similar in format to the series
of prints designed by Kunisada III between 1917
and 1920, and was probably issued by the
publisher in a limited attempt to continue the series
after Kunisada III's death in 1920. It is also possible
that it is a posthumous reissue of an unknown
Kunisada III design.
Plays: Yuki On'na Gomai Hagoita (雪女五枚羽子板); Suô Otoshi (素襖落);
Ryûkyô Yawa (柳橋夜話);
Chôchidori Sato no Harukoma (蝶千鳥廓春駒); Dontsuku (どんつく)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/01/21
Print Date: 01/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: On'na no Chikara (女の力); [Les Miserables] Âmujô
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 01/14/21
Print Date: 01/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Takiguchi Tokiyori (瀧口時頼); Akujyô no Kyôjin (屋上の狂人); Shinjû
Ten no Amijima
(心中天網島); Sekenmizu (世間見ず)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/01/21
Print Date: 02/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Sômatô (走馬燈); Utsu Muramasa (宇津村正); Wagaya (我が家); Inôgi to
Dorobô (能祇と泥棒)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/15/21
Print Date: 02/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (菅原伝授手習 鑑); Nichiren Shônin
Kôtan Nanahyakunen
Kôso Nichiren (日蓮聖人降誕七百年高祖日蓮); Kirare Otomi (切られお富)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/16/21
Print Date: 02/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Violin Recitals by Misha Elman (ミッシャ・エルマン)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 02/16-20/21
Print Date: 02/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Onoe Tamizô III (尾上多見蔵) as
Tonbei (頓兵衛)
Play: Shinrei Yaguchi no Watashi (神霊矢口渡)
Performance Place: Meiji-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/05/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This print is similar in format to the series of prints
designed by Kunisada III between 1917 and 1920, and
was probably issued by the publisher in a limited attempt
to continue the series after Kunisada III's death in 1920.
It is also possible that it is a posthumous reissue of an
unknown Kunisada III design.
Plays: Motomezuka Migaeri Nitta (求女塚身替新田); Keisei Hangonkô
(傾城反魂香); Futatsu Chôchô
Kuruwa Nikki (雙蝶々曲輪日記); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の戀); Kotobuki Shiki
Sanbasô (壽式三番叟)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/07/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Motomezuka Migaeri Nitta (求女塚身替新田); Keisei Hangonkô
(傾城反魂香); Futatsu Chôchô
Kuruwa Nikki (雙蝶々曲輪日記); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の戀); Kotobuki Shiki
Sanbasô (壽式三番叟)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/07/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Genpei Nunobiki no Taki (源平布引瀧); Chatsubo (茶壺); Meijin
Noriyuki (名人矩随)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 03/01/21
Print Date: 03/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Nakamura Jakuemon III (中村雀右衛門) as
Kagaribi (篝火)
Play: Moritsuna Jin’ya (盛綱陣屋),
Act VIII of Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata
(近江源氏先陣館 )
Performance Place:Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: The seller attributed this print to
Natori Shunsen, but seal does not look
like any known Shunsen seal.
Plays: Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺曳); Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata
(近江源氏先陣館); Ataka no Seki
(安宅關); Tsuchiya Chikara (土屋主税); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の恋);
Hatsune no Tabiji (初音の旅路)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Kongen Kusazuribiki (根元草摺曳); Ômi Genji Senjin Yakata
(近江源氏先陣館); Ataka no Seki
(安宅關); Tsuchiya Chikara (土屋主税); Tôjûrô no Koi (藤十郎の恋);
Hatsune no Tabiji (初音の旅路)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Horibe Myôkaini (堀部妙海尼); Kanjinchô (勸進帳); Go Taiheiki
Shiraishi Banashi
(碁太平記白石噺); Noriaibune (浄瑠璃乗合船)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 04/01/21
Print Date: 04/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Ôkabuki Engei Sugoroku
(大歌舞伎 演藝双六)
Print Date: 04/05/21
Medium: Lithographic sugoroku
Personal Collection
Start: [Ko Shishi (子獅子)]
1. Nachi Mongaku
(那智文覺 [文覚])
2. Dôjôji (道成寺)
3. Sendai
Hagi (千代萩) [先代萩]
4. Sakai Tsuzumi (酒井鼓)
5. Omatsuri Sashichi (お祭佐七)
6. Goshoro no
Gozô (五所郎五蔵)
7. Senryô Nobori (千両幟)
8. Kyô Ningyô (京人形)
9. Hakone
Reigen (箱根靈験)
Takechi Mitsuhide
Kôchiyama Sôshun (河内山宗俊) [宗春]
12. Aburaya (油屋)
13. Niki Danjô ( 仁木弾正)
Ôigawa (大井川)
Yomeodoshidani (嫁おどし谷) [嫁威谷]
16. Yuki-hime (*姫)
17. Natsu
18. Kakuya? (*屋)
19. Jiraiya (自雷也 [児雷也])
20. Kanjinchô (勸進帳; 勧進帳)
Imoseyama (妹背山)
22. Ôsakazuki (大盃)
23. Marubashi Chûya (丸橋忠彌)
End: ?
Ichimura Uzaemon XV (市村羽左衛門) as
[Komatsuya] Sôshichi ([小松屋]宗七 )
Play: Koi no Minato Hakata no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
Note: This print is similar in format to the series of
prints designed by Kunisada III between 1917 and
1920, and was probably issued by the publisher in a
limited attempt to continue the series after Kunisada
III's death in 1920. It is also possible that it is a
posthumous reissue of an unknown Kunisada III
Matsumoto Kôshirô VII
(松本幸四郎) as
Kezori Kuemon (毛剃九右衛門 )
Play: Koi no Minato Hakata
no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷)
Performance Place:
Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru
Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of
Note: This print is similar
in format to the series of prints
designed by
Kunisada III between 1917 and 1920, and
was probably issued by the
publisher in a limited attempt
to continue the series after
Kunisada III's death in 1920.
It is also possible
that it is a posthumous reissue of an
unknown Kunisada III
Plays: Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (菅原伝授手習鑑); Daitokuji (大徳寺);
Nebiki no Kadomatsu
(寿門松); Koi Minato Hakata no Hitofushi (恋湊博多諷); Mashira no
Kusemai (猿曲舞)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Ebira no Ume (箙の梅); Baien (煤煙); Shiraito Mondo Wakaba no
Aoyama (白糸主水若葉の青山);
Butai ni Tatsu Tsuma (舞台に立つ妻)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Program: Bran Pie (5/21); Oh, Joy! (5/22); The Kiss Call
(5/23); The Maid of the Mountains (5/24);
Afgar (5/25); Going Up (5/26); Irene (5/27); Better 'Ole (5/28);
The New Shop Girls (5/29);
Buzz Buzz (5/30); Pot-Pourri (5/31; selections from the above
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/21/21 - 05/31/21
Print Date: 05/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Note: Performed by the Bandman Company
Ichikawa Danshirô II (市川段四郎) as
Washizuka Kintôji (鷲塚金藤次)
Play: Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/03/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Series: Chiyo ni Sakaeru Kabuki no Irodori
(千代 栄劇彩)
Image courtesy of Artelino.com
This print is similar in format to the series of prints
designed by Kunisada III between 1917 and 1920,
and was probably issued by the publisher in a limited
attempt to continue the series after Kunisada III's death
in 1920. It is also possible that it is a posthumous
reissue of an unknown Kunisada III design.
Plays: Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記); Daigo no Haru (醍醐の春);
Shinju (新樹);
Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto (玉藻前曦袂); Ômori Hikoshichi (大森彦七);
Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba (伊勢音頭戀寝刃)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/03/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらかな盛衰記); Daigo no Haru (醍醐の春);
Shinju (新樹);
Tamamo-no-Mae Asahi no Tamoto (玉藻前曦袂); Ômori Hikoshichi (大森彦七);
Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba (伊勢音頭戀寝刃)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/03/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Midareyaki (みだれ焼); Na ni Tachibana Homare no Ishikiri
Hatsukohi Ji Chigusa no Nuregoto (初戀路千種濡事); Yari Odori Hana no
Danmaku (鎗踊花段幕)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/01/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Omoizuma (思い妻)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/06/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Yodo no Koi (淀の鯉); Muchi Narumono (無智なる者); Keisei Hangonkô
Otsuya Goroshi (お艶殺し)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/01/21
Print Date: 07/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Kugyô (公暁); Gosho Zakura Horikawa no Youchi (御所櫻堀川夜討);
Kirishitan Yashiki (切支丹屋敷); Suisha no Hitoyo (水車の一夜)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/16/21
Print Date: 07/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Inazuma (稲妻); Kateienman (家庭円満); Hagoromo (羽衣); Nikuen
Iso no Shiranami (磯の白浪)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 06/29/21
Print Date: 06/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Sumiyoshi Mairi (住吉詣); Hyakkô no Moto (百行の基); Yûtô (幽灯);
Yahê no Enoki (弥兵衛の榎);
Yakusokurikô (約束履行)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/15/21
Print Date: 07/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Kôyasan (高野山); Dokuro Mai (髑髏舞); Tsuri Onna (釣女); Inga
Monoshi (因果物師)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 08/01/21
Print Date: 08/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Koi no Shingen (戀の信玄); Gokuraku no Oni (極楽の鬼); Kantan (邯鄲);
Inu (犬)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/01/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Seishun no Yume (青春の夢); Daîchi Ninsha (第一人者); Inaka Genji
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/07/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Toba no Koizuka (鳥羽の恋塚); Aruhi no Dekigoto (ある日の出来事);
Murai Chôan (村井長庵);
Hakuzôsu (伯蔵主); Natsusendô (夏船頭)
Performance Place: Naka-za, Osaka
Performance Date: 09/01/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Plays: Toba no Koizuka (鳥羽の恋塚); Aruhi no Dekigoto (ある日の出来事); Murai
Chôan (村井長庵);
Hakuzôsu (伯蔵主); Natsusendô (夏船頭)
Performance Place: Naka-za, Osaka
Performance Date: 09/01/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Operas: [Faust] Fausuto (ファウスト); [Carmen] Karumen (カルメン);
[The Barber of Seville]
Severu no Rihatsushi (セヴェルの理髪師); [Tosca] Tosuka (トスカ); [I
Pagliacci] Dôkeshi (道化師);
[Love In The Moonlight] Gekka no Ai (月下の愛); [Rigoletto] Rigoretto
(リゴレット); [Romeo And
Juliet] Romeo to Jurietto (ロミオとジュリエット); [Il Trovatore] Torobatôre
[Thaïs] Taisu (タイス); [La Boheme] Ra Boêmu (ラ・ボエーム);
[Mignon] Miniyon (ミニヨン)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/21/21 - 09/29/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Operas: [Faust] Fausuto (ファウスト); [Carmen] Karumen (カルメン);
[The Barber of Seville]
Severu no Rihatsushi (セヴェルの理髪師); [Tosca] Tosuka (トスカ); [I
Pagliacci] Dôkeshi (道化師);
[Love In The Moonlight] Gekka no Ai (月下の愛); [Rigoletto] Rigoretto
(リゴレット); [Romeo And Juliet]
Romeo to Jurietto (ロミオとジュリエット); [Il Trovatore] Torobatôre
[Thaïs] Taisu (タイス); [La Boheme] Ra Boêmu (ラ・ボエーム);
[Mignon] Miniyon (ミニヨン)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/21/21 - 09/29/21
Print Date: 09/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the ARC Research Center
Plays: Kachidoki Mibae Genji (勝閧*源氏); Igagoe Dôchû Sugoroku
Matsudaira Chôshichirô (平長七郎); Onhashira (御柱); Gozonji Ume
no Yoshibê (御存梅の由兵衛)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/05/21
Print Date: 10/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Kachidoki Mibae Genji (勝閧*源氏); Igagoe Dôchû Sugoroku
Matsudaira Chôshichirô (平長七郎); Onhashira (御柱); Gozonji Ume
no Yoshibê (御存梅の由兵衛)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/05/21
Print Date: 10/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Honchô Ôshôkun (本朝王昭君); Onatsu Kyôran (おなつ狂乱);
Meigetsu Hachiman Matsuri
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 10/01/21
Print Date: 10/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Taiko no Oto Chiyû Sanryaku (太鼓音智勇三略); Tsubosaka Reigenki
Sakura Shigure (さくら時雨)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/01/21
Print Date: 11/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Zôho Shinchôki (増補信長記); Daîchi no Sekai (第一の世界); Ôshû
Adachi-ga-Hara (奥州安達原);
Toribeyama Shinjû (鳥辺山心中); Shûi Taikô-ki (拾遺太閤記)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/01/21
Print Date: 12/1921?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Kaikai no Jyokotoba (開會の序詞); Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no
Maki (鬼一法眼三略絵巻);
Go Taiheiki Shiraishi Banashi (碁太平記白石噺); Takatoki (高時); Yowa
Nasake Ukina no Yokogushi
(與話情浮名横櫛); Ehon Taikôki (繪本太閤記); Modoribashi (戻橋); Futatsu
Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki
Performance Place: Yuraku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/28-30/21
Print Date: 12/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Meishô no Saigo (名匠の最期); Honchô Nijûshikô
(本朝廿四孝); On'na Shibaraku (女暫); Chûshin Iroha Jikki (忠臣いろは實記);
Negai no Ito Enishi no Odamaki (願絲縁苧環)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 11/30/21
Print Date: 11/1921?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum