

Plays: Urami no Omote (怨恨の面); Ehon Taikôki (繪本太功記); Ayatsuri Sanbasô (操り三番叟);
Shichiya no Kura Kokoro no Irekae (質屋土蔵魂入替)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  01/01/22
Print Date: 01/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie (加賀見山舊錦繪); Uishiraga (初白髪);
Momijigari (紅葉狩); Mieidô Shinjû (御影堂心中); Azuma Bune (浅妻舟); Hizakurige (膝栗毛)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/01/22
Print Date: 02/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie (加賀見山舊錦繪); Uishiraga (初白髪);
Momijigari (紅葉狩); Mieidô Shinjû (御影堂心中); Azuma Bune (浅妻舟); Hizakurige (膝栗毛)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/01/22
Print Date: 02/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: On'na Oya (女親); Aruhi no Susanoo no Mikoto (一日の素盞鳴尊); Kayoi Komachi (通小町);
On'na Goroshi Abura no Jigoku (女殺油地獄)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  02/01/22
Print Date: 02/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

MARCH 1922

Plays: Hirakana Seisuiki (ひらがな盛衰記); Matsuri no Yogatari (祭りの夜がたり); Tsuchigumo (土蜘);
Shimizu Ikkaku (清水一角); Makari Koshiji Azuma no Hitofushi (罷越路東諷)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/01/22
Print Date: 04/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

APRIL 1922

Plays: Sanmon Gosan no Kiri  (樓門五三桐); Takatoki (高時); Chiyoda Ninjô (千代田刃傷);
Modoribashi (戻橋); Katsuragawa Renri no Shigarami (桂川連理柵)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  04/01/22
Print Date: 04/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

MAY 1922

Play: Tadanao-kô Gôjôki (忠直卿行状記)     
Performance Place: Ichimura-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Image courtesy of Artelino.com

Note: Also on the bill were Tachi Nusubito
(太刀盗人), Heikegani (平家蟹), Shinkei
Kasane-ga Fushi (真景累ヶ渕), and Shinobi
Yoru Koi no Kusemono (忍夜恋曲者). 
The cast included  Morita Kan'ya XIII
(守田勘弥), Onoe Eizaburô VII
(尾上 栄三郎), Onoe Baikô VI
(尾上梅幸), and Onoe Kikugorô VI 

Plays: Iemitsu no Watsu Koi (家光の初戀); Rabu Tetsugaku (ラヴ哲学); Musume Dôjôji (娘道成寺)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/06/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Efrem Zimbalist in concert
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/01-05/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Efrem Zimbalist in concert
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/19-21/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Jyuraku no Yume (聚樂の夢);  Ôishi Kuranosuke (大石内藏助); Tsuyu (露);
Kamogawa Zutsumi no Satsujin (加茂川堤の殺人)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/06/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Jyuraku no Yume (聚樂の夢);  Ôishi Kuranosuke (大石内藏助); Tsuyu (露);
Kamogawa Zutsumi no Satsujin (加茂川堤の殺人)
Performance Place: Hongô-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/06/22
Print Date: 05/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

JUNE 1922

Plays: Kanadehon Chûshingura (仮名手本忠臣蔵; 假名手本忠臣蔵); Tabi Sugata Omoi no Kake Ine
(旅姿思掛稲); Tsuyu no Harema Sora ha Sumiyoshi (入梅晴間空住吉)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  06/01/22
Print Date: 06/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Shusse Kaidô (出世怪童); Kantan (邯鄲); Sôbô o Shôte (僧房を焼て);
Shiyakuntara-hime (シヤクンタラ姫); Nôin Hôshi (能因法師); Inaka Genji (田舎源氏)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  06/26-30/22
Print Date: 06/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Performed by the Takarazuka Girls' Opera.

Plays: Shusse Kaidô (出世怪童); Kantan (邯鄲); Sôbô o Shôte (僧房を焼て);
Shiyakuntara-hime (シヤクンタラ姫); Nôin Hôshi (能因法師); Inaka Genji (田舎源氏)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  06/26-30/22
Print Date: 06/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? sheet music cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: Performed by the Takarazuka Girls' Opera.

JULY 1922

Plays: Wakushaku (伯爵); Mama no Tekona (真間の手児奈); Okuni to Gohei (お國と五平);
Eiga Monogatari (栄華物語)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  07/01/22
Print Date: 07/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Kamakurayama Noboru no Asahina (鎌倉山昇朝比奈); Akichi Ura (空地裏); Tomo Yakko (供奴);
Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami  (夏祭浪花鑑)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  08/01/22
Print Date: 08/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Yuki no Yûbe (雪の夕); Ike (池); Taiheiki Chûshin Kôshaku (太平記忠臣講釈); Uirô (ういらう)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  09/05/22
Print Date: 09/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: [Anna Pavlova] An'na Paburowa (アンナ・パブロワ) Dance Recital
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  09/10-29/22
Print Date: 09/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Shinnyo (真如); Komochi Yamanba (嫗山姥); Nagamachi On'na no Harakiri (長町女腹切);
Yakko Dôdôji (奴道成寺)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/01/22
Print Date: 10/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: [The Brothers Karamazov] Karamâzofu Kyôdai (カラマーゾフ兄弟)
Performance Place: Yuraku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  10/01-10/22
Print Date: 10/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed?  sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Futatsu no Yagura (二の櫓); Katakiuchi Ranru Nishiki (敵討襤褸錦);
Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島); Oshichi (お七)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  11/04/22
Print Date: 11/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Futatsu no Yagura (二の櫓); Katakiuchi Ranru Nishiki (敵討襤褸錦);
Shinjû Ten no Amijima (心中天網島); Oshichi (お七)
Performance Place: Shintomi-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  11/04/22
Print Date: 11/1922?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum

Plays: Shibaraku (暫); Igagoe Dôchû Sugoroku (伊賀越道中双六); Fuji Daiko (富士太鼓);
Higan no Yûbe (彼岸の夕); Yûgiri Izaemon Kuruwa Bunshô (夕霧伊左衛門廓文章)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  11/06/22
Print Date: 11/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum


Plays: Muromachi Gosho (室町御所); Aki no Wakare (秋の別れ); Nani Ôshima Homare no
Tsuyoyumi (名大島功譽強弓); Honchô Nijûshikô  (本朝廿四孝)
Performance Place: Teikoku Gekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date:  12/01/22
Print Date: 12/1922?
Medium: Woodblock printed ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum