Plays: Kyôfu (恐怖)
Performance Place: Tsukiji Shogekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/05-21/33
Print Date: 05/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Program: Ginza he Modotta Otoko Kokusai Toshi Kôkyôgaku Dai Ippen
(銀座へ戻った男 國際都市交響樂・第一篇); Varaete Ajia Ajia (ヴアラエテ 亞細亞—亞細亞);
Mizoroki Ikka Jûrokunin (溝呂木一家十六人); Watsunatsu to Ichigo (初夏と苺)
Performance Place: Mûranrûju Shinjuku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/26/33
Print Date: 05/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: This cover design was reused for various performances
during 1933. I
have only included one such cover for one particular bill, which
changed regularly.
Plays: Hototogisu Date no Kikigaki (早苗鳥伊達聞書); Shizuka (静);
Taiheiki Chûshin Kôshaku
(太平記忠臣講釈); Tatakai wa Korekarada (戦はこれからだ); Otokodate Bayari
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/33
Print Date: 05/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Program: Hototogisu Date no Kikigaki (早苗鳥伊達聞書); Shizuka (静);
Taiheiki Chûshin Kôshaku
(太平記忠臣講釈); Tatakai wa Korekarada (戦はこれからだ); Otokodate Bayari
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/01/33
Print Date: 05/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki back cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Plays: Jyogakusei Nikki (女學生日記); Manhattan Madonesu (マンハッタンマドネス);
[A Midsummer's Night Dream] Manatsu no Yo no Yume (眞夏の夜の夢)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 05/27/33 - 06/04/33
Print Date: 05/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Note: Performed by the Shôchiku Shôjo Kageki.
Plays: Katamigusa Yotsuya Kaidan (形見草四谷怪談); Michiyuki Tabi no
Hanamuko (道行旅路の花婿);
Kokoro no Yami no Kawanari (心闇軒蝙蝠)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 07/03/33
Print Date: 07/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? ehon sujigaki cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Program: Kakkatomomo no Ki (閣下と桃の木); Varaete Tsuki to Mukashi no
(ヴアラエテ 月とむかしの武藏野); Seishun to Daraku Karasawa Sensei to Denwa Kara
no Hanashi
(青春と墮落 唐澤先生と電話からの話); Kutsushitadome to Pairotto (靴下止めと操縦士)
Performance Place: Mûranrûju Shinjuku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 09/09/33
Print Date: 09/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note: This cover design was reused for various performances
during 1933. I
have only included one such cover for one particular bill, which
changed regularly.
Program: [Don Quixote] Don Kihôte (ドン・キホーテ)
Performance Place: Tsukiji Shogekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/02-03/33
Print Date: 12/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Program: [Don Quixote] Don Kihôte (ドン・キホーテ)
Performance Place: Tsukiji Shogekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/02-03/33
Print Date: 12/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? pamphlet cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Program: [Don Quixote] Don Kihôte (ドン・キホーテ)
Performance Place: Tsukiji Shogekijô, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/02-03/33
Print Date: 12/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? flyer art
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Plays: Bijin Tou Manin (美人島満員); Uta wo Wasureta Kanariya
[Viennese Waltz] Uin'na Warutsu (ウインナ・ワルツ)
Performance Place: Kabuki-za, Tokyo
Performance Date: 12/20-29/33
Print Date: 12/1933?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Shôchiku Ôtani Library
Note: Performed by the Shôchiku Shôjo Kageki.