
MAY 1933

Program: Ginza he Modotta Otoko Kokusai Toshi Kôkyôgaku Dai Ippen
(銀座へ戻った男 國際都市交響樂・第一篇); Varaete Ajia Ajia (ヴアラエテ 亞細亞—亞細亞);
Mizoroki Ikka Jûrokunin (溝呂木一家十六人); Watsunatsu to Ichigo (初夏と苺)
Performance Place: Mûranrûju Shinjuku-za, Tokyo
Performance Date:  05/26/1933
Print Date: 05/1933?
Artist: ?
Medium: Machine lithograph printed? program cover
Image courtesy of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Note:  This cover design was reused for various performances during 1933.  I
have only included one such cover for one particular bill, which changed regularly.